1 minute read


The forested area to the right of the fuel tanks contains the 23 acres the borough proposed to clear and level during "phase 4" of R&M's June 2021 design plan. If the borough wanted to develop a site for an ore concentrate storage building, this site might be workable, although it is steep, potentially unstable, and prone to significant rockfall. It would require building an ore loader that would stretch across the Lutak road (an idea diagrammed in R&M's 2016 Mine Export Memo shown on page 34 of this book).

Phase 4 was not included in design plans available to the public after opposition from the community, yet it was still mentioned in the 2021 Jobs Analysis the Borough submitted with their RAISE grant application.

Note: The 'fuel barge' and 'cargo barge' shown in the top lefthand corner reflect the only vessels that currently utilize facilities at the Lutak Dock.

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