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Where Art Meets Philanthropy

The Art Ball is an evening created under the patronage of art and philanthropy, ideated by Sandrine Knoell (Five Stars Events) and Rita Rovelli-Caltagirone (Muse), supported by a wonderful committee: Tiqui Atencio Demirdjian, Fatima Maleki, Kim Jonsson Perfetti, Donatella Campioni, Inna Maier, Carolina Alabiso, Paula Traboulsi, Safia El Malqui and Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. The guests who have attended the Art Ball have met at the Claridge’s Hotel in London on the 14th October, 2022 during Frieze in London to celebrate art in a most delightful setting, a mix of collectors, artists, gallerists and art lovers from all over the world. This prestigious ball has enhanced both cultural, economic and social links between Monaco and London. The Art Ball 2022 has been supported by the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation through an auction kindly held by Sotheby’s and its wonderful auctioneer Lord Dalmeny who raised the sum of 26000£. This event was made possible thanks to the support of: the Art gallery MORETTI, Hortman Clinics, Xerjoff perfumes and LUXURY International Magazine.


Fabrizio Moretti (Founder of Moretti Fine Art, Partner of the Art Ball), Sandrine Knoell (Co-founder of the Art Ball/Five Stars Events), Gareth Wittstock (General Secretary of Foundation Princess Charlene of Monaco).

Angela Rovelli (committee member), Sandrine Knoell (Co-founder Art Ball/Five Stars Events), Julia Kors (CEO of LUXURY International Magazine UK, Partner of the Art Ball), Rita Rovelli Caltagirone (Co-founder Art Ball/Muse).

Sandrine Knoell (Co-founder Art Ball/Five Stars Events), Fatima Maleki (committee member), Rita Rovelli Caltagirone (Co-founder Art Ball/ Muse), Gareth Wittstock (General Secretary of the Foundation Princess Charlene of Monaco), Safia El Malqui (committee member), Paula Traboulsi (committee member), Donatella Campioni (committee member), Tiqui Atencio Demirdjian (committee member).