1 minute read


“And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever,

come perfect days.” – James Russell Lowell

Sunny Days, blue skies and warm breezes, May and June are the gateway to summer. It seems we wait all year round for these promising days. The fruits of spring show their glory. If you live in Charlotte you know we have the most beautiful tree canopy. I love spending time driving down the streets where it feels as if you are going through a tunnel enveloped by bowed tree limbs.

We have you covered for the summer days ahead. Check out Bedside Reading’s 5 summer reading picks on page 41. Scan the code and receive a fun offer that will have your beach reading and poolside time filled.

We are over the moon excited to have Dina Cantin joins us as a new contributor with her column, “Dina Does…”on page 49. If you have not yet listened to her podcast visit dinadoespodcast.com. From astrology to brain health to beauty Dina covers it all.

I am personally learning so much from Marci Moreau with her new column “The Power of Food”. Her food journey has been fascinating. Pop on to her website and learn more about these healing powers https://www.marcimoreau.com.

Editor at Large, Kelli Delaney Kot, of KDHamptons shares a little of her beautiful summer lovin’ in the Hamptons on page 34 and takes us to the perfect bespoke getaways on pg 88.

The word bespoke has evolved over time and now comes to mean anything commissioned to a particular specification. Page 71 kicks off our bespoke article covering everything from Jill Seale’s incredibly interesting story to lighting to yachts to the king of men’s suits.

Maggie Crandall shares the post pandemic world of interior design, on page. 106 in “Making a House a Home.” And what could be better than The Plaza Hotel in New York City in June page 126. I can think of nothing else. Enjoy the issue.


Colleen Guilfoile Richmond