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Picture Book Bestsellers Fall 2023

Mama's Sleeping Scarf/Avelino, J., illus.

Chimamanda N. Adichie

Chino loves the scarf that her mama ties around her hair at night. But when Mama leaves for the day, what happens to her scarf? Chino takes it on endless adventures! Peeking through the colourful haze of the silky scarf, Chino and her toy bunny can look at her whole family as they go through their routines.


136360 9781774882696 EAN tundra books Sep-2023 a9781774882696b


Way to the Stars/Smith, G., illus.

David Almond


(ha) $24.99

Joe is starstruck, determined to find his way up, up, up to the magical lights in the night sky. "In your dreams!" his pals say. But when Joe and his dad put their heads and hearts together, there's no stopping them.


128056 9781536231250 EAN candlewick press Nov-2023 a9781536231250b


Enchanted Symphony/MacKay, E., illus.

Julie Andrews


(ha) $24.99

162187 9781419763199 EAN abrams books for young readers Sep-2023

When a lively village is beset by a mysterious fog, the town turns dull and silent; melancholy neighbours stop visiting each other and even going outside. Until one day, when a boy's simple melody strikes a chord, reminding everyone of what matters most - even in the darkest of times.


(ha) $24.99

ISBN a9781419763199b


Three Little Mittens/Shaloshvili, N., illus.


Dotty and Other Dotty are a matching set of mittens. When another mitten, Stripes, loses her partner and becomes a single mitten, they don't feel the need to include her. She doesn't "match" them, so she is banished to the dark, lonely pocket of the Little Girl who owns them. Before long, however, Dotty loses her partner, and now she doesn't match the reunited pair of Stripes and Other Stripes, who in turn banish her to the pocket.


136360 9781774880111 EAN tundra books Oct-2023 a9781774880111b



(ha) $23.99