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Faith in the Community

Was Jesus religious…?

When someone finds out you are a follower of Jesus, often the next thing they say is, “You, must be religious.” This assumes religion and Jesus must go hand in hand. I don’t feel comfortable being labelled ‘religious’. In fact, Jesus received the strongest criticism from religious people and was often at odds with them.


Jesus was more focused on relationship and on life-giving community, than with the minutiae of religious observances. Religion can so easily ‘major on minors’ whereas Jesus wanted to set people free from the burden of petty observances. One of the complaints made against Jesus was that he was mixing with all the wrong kinds of people (non-religious people). Jesus came so that, in his own words, “You may have life in all its abundance”.

This abundant life brings joy to my heart, a lightness to my step, anticipation that with Jesus as friend, each day has a spiritual depth and colour that adds more to life than it subtracts from it. This abundance Jesus promises means you end up in the company of others on the same adventure with similar and different experiences. Connecting with others at a spiritual level brings a depth to relationships that is deep and rich.

St Ronan’s: Services: Sundays 9.30am. Taizé, first Sundays 7.30pm. Ask if you’d like our weekly emailed e-Service or monthly printed magazine the Record E:office@stronans.org. nz W:www.stronans.org.nz

St Alban’s: Two Sunday services: 8:30am (traditional) Wellesley School and 10am (contemporary) Wellesley School, with Kids’ Club (primary) and Hot Chocolate Club (intermediate). Communion Thurs 10am, various venues. E:office@stalbanschurch.nz W:www.stalbanschurch.nz

San Antonio: Services: Vigil Mass, Sat 5.30pm, San Antonio. Mass, Sun 9.30am and 5.30pm, Sacred Heart, Petone. E:holyspiritparish41@ gmail.com W:www.holyspirit.nz