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Ask an Expert: Home and Property Maintenance

Welcome to Ask an Expert: Home and Property Maintenance. Each month our featured home and property expert will answer questions that provide information, tips and advice on a medley of homeowner topics. We hope to help our readers gain new insights into a variety of local home service professionals, services and products. Our goal is to make maintaining your home easier and empower you with the knowledge that you need to be a successful homeowner in the TableRock lake area. Let’s get started.

Who is our June expert?

“Scott Jay, Owner, Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Springfield/Branson.”

We already know (from our April issue) that you are a locally owned and operated plumbing company so today we want to pick your brain about clean water and water filtration systems. Should I have the water in my home tested? And if so, how do I go about getting that done?

“It never hurts to have your water tested. If you are on city water, you should have access to their annual report. Well water systems aren’t regulated by the state or federal government, so it’s up to the owner of the well to test their own systems. The best way to have your water tested is to collect a sample and take it to your local health department. They will be able to provide the best, comprehensive water report. ”

What are PPCPs and how do they affect drinking water?

“PPCPs (Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products) come from things like human and veterinary drugs, dietary supplements, and consumer products (fragrances, perfumes, sunscreens, cleaning products, etc). The effects of PPCPs being present in water are still being studied. The short term, long term and chronic health effects aren’t fully known but it is a fairly new, growing concern. PFAS, (polyfluoroalkyl substances) are actually present in about 80% of our water supply and have been linked to higher cholesterol, high blood pressure, increased risk of kidney disease and even some cancers.”

Is well water safe?

“You would have to have it tested to know for sure. Most experts recommend having it tested annually by your local health department.”

Are there signs that my water might be unsafe to drink or use?

“Color, odor and taste. Your water should be clear, odorless, flavorless and refreshing. If you notice any color, cloudiness, strange odors or an unfavorable taste, you probably want to get your water checked out.”

The water at our lake home has a strange odor. It smells like rotten eggs. Why is that?

“If your well water smells like rotten eggs, it may have too much sulfur in it caused by decay and chemical reactions in the soil and rock around the well.”

What causes hard water?

“Hard water is caused by a high mineral content. Calcium and magnesium are most common. This hardness is typically due to groundwater that flows over or through limestone. While hard water is not a health risk, many home and business owners do find it to be a nuisance.”

How does hard water affect appliances?

“Hard water can cause excessive scale buildup or deposits in pipes and appliances. That will likely reduce the life of your dishwasher, clothes washer, water heater or other appliances that regularly use water. The scale may have a whitish color, and typically does not wipe away easily.”

How does a water softener work?

“A water softener removes calcium and magnesium from water through a process where the hard water passes through resin beads. The beads grab ahold of the mineral ions and remove them from the water. Softened water is gentler than hard water, so it is easier on appliances and pipes, you will use less soap and it’s better for your skin too. There are a lot of benefits. ”

Does a water softener also filter and clean water?

“Not really. A softener just turns hard water into soft water. If you also want filtered wa - ter then you need to install a water filtration system in your home.”

What are the advantages to having a water filtration system in your home?

“Water filtration systems are good for your health. Some of the benefits include skin hydration, nutrient absorption, weight loss, detoxification, improved digestion and even a reduction in the risk of cancer. Drinking pure water also helps to support the immune system and mental health function.”

What can Mr. Rooter do to help folks on Tablerock Lake with their water quality?

“We install water softeners and water filtration systems and one of our plumbers can come out and discuss the options. We also have a maintenance program where we come out and do a wellness check on your plumbing, flush the water heater and check your vents. A one-year membership is only $99. That also includes (15% off parts) and priority scheduling.“

Are you offering any specials in this issue for customers?

“Yes. If you mention this article, we will give you 10% off any service.”

By: Christal Valbracht www.aireserv.com www.dryerventwizardspringfield.com www.MrRooter.com

The 3 Wise kids , Marce’, Mark and Susan Wise grew up in the 70’s and ‘80s in Springfield, Missouri. Those were simpler times. You didn’t lock your door at night and you could sleep with your window wide open.

Summertime was the best, and Table Rock Lake was our playground. It was a weekend treat for mom and dad to hook up our boat and take us to the lake with a cooler full of drinks and Mom’s cold fried Chicken.

Hot summer days were spent water skiing, swimming and meeting up with friends to