2 minute read


by the Lorain Police Department

At this point, most people realize that George Floyd's tragic death sent a shockwave into law enforcement that will likely forever alter police departments across the nation. As a local police department, we were, of course, grieved by the incident; however, as law enforcement officers, our grief and concern may reflect a unique perspective.


Unquestionably, we felt the frustration and anger that naturally accompanies the contemptible abuse of power that resulted in Mr. Floyd's death. We also understood the actions of the few could cast a demonizing shadow upon the men and women in law enforcement that serve with honor and integrity.

We understood that the foundations of community relationships cultivated over decades in Lorain were now threatened by officers' actions on the other side of the country. The peace of our local community could be significantly disrupted by the actions of four officers that undoubtedly represented everything we stand against.

This reality became even more concerning as we watched communities across the United States literally burn.

Certainly, we understood the long-standing tensions between the police and African- American communities nationally. Yet, Chief McCann wholeheartedly believed the police and the broader community of Lorain were far more united than many—if not most—urban communities.

Before him, Chief Rivera had established deep and meaningful relationships between the community and the LPD. Chief McCann realized the value of those relationships and continued to cultivate unity and partnership. Simply put, our local climate was different than the national scene, and we knew it.

Therefore, first, Chief McCann publically condemned the actions of the officers in Minneapolis. Second, he implemented a relationship-centered strategy for our local protests by meeting with local leaders, contacting the protest planners, and providing every resource available to make the protests meaningful.

Most importantly, the Chief and other officers demonstrated their support by marching in the protests. Consequently, our local protests reflected the unity in diversity represented by the city of Lorain.

Although we believe the LPD is far ahead of many police departments, we realize that we can do better. As a result, we have made concerted efforts to continue to build trust and unity in our city. We have reinstituted and reinvigorated our Community Use of Force Advisory.

Every use of force incident will receive review by a group of community leaders trained in the use-of-force analysis. Additionally, we are emphasizing community interaction so that officers can meaningfully connect with their community to gain a better understanding that will ultimately result in improved service.

These and other practices are taking place; however, the salient point is that our methodology's nuances are centered in a relational philosophy.

Stated simply, everything we do is predicated on the reality that we are part of the community.

Our social media accounts illustrate this genuine effort.

The LPD understands that peace and order can only be accomplished through community relationships and unity. Historically, we have understood this principle, and today we realize the importance perhaps more than ever. We truly appreciate the support and encouragement we continue to receive from the wonderful people of the city of Lorain.

Please continue to help us promote peace and harmony in our community through unity!