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"The International City"

Our great lake city on our Great Lake coast is known as "The International City." We have over 50 nationalities making up our community, and while no two people anywhere share the same story, our history in the making is helping to better our tomorrow for generations to come.

Typically, we have a festival celebrating our diversity and the many cultures present throughout Lorain. Unfortunately, the difficult decision to cancel this year's International Festival in light of worries surrounding COVID-19 coincided with a time when our unity and acceptance of one another - regardless of our many differences - needed a celebration more than ever before.


While the past couple of months have been uncertain for everyone, businesses have persevered, students completed another year of school, and many individuals ventured out for the first time, some standing up and speaking out against injustices somehow still present in our world in the year 2020.

Leadership throughout our city has ensured the highest level of support and safety for our community members. From the precautions set forth surrounding the pandemic to our city's leaders and residents joining hands in unity while peacefully marching to ignite change across our nation, the commonality was that we did it together.

Together, we are embarking on the journey into the future. Some things will remain, while others will evolve, changing shape entirely. Individuals and businesses all over our city have faced challenges at monumental levels. Still, our community members and leaders have set examples for others to follow, just as we have throughout history.

Lorain may not be the largest city on Lake Erie, but it is a leader on our great lake coast. As our city demonstrates time and time again, we unite in times of happiness and sadness and support each other through any challenges we may be facing.

The time is upon our International City to lead our neighbors into the unknown that lies ahead. No one knows what tomorrow may bring, but one thing our community members undoubtedly know is that they are taking on tomorrow with the support and acceptance of the rest of the Lorain community.