2 minute read

A room with a view for the new student development assistant

by Jennifer Nespo/i

features editor


Cabrini is a long way from Wyoming. But this is where Kim Torbert will be spending her days, instead of in her favorite place.

The Swarthmore resident has traveled around the country and worked in every type of place imaginable. Cabrini is just another notch in her dashboard of life.

From restaurants to law firms, publishing companies to showi;ooms, Torbert has seen it all. This is her first time working at a college, though, and as the new administrative assistant for Student Development, she is already enjoying being here.

Torbert took the position, which was previously held by Jennie Colianni, in mid-July. The first few weeks were a little "out-of-hand" with so many students crowding into the Student Development office for bus schedules, ID pictures and car registration, but Torbert enjoys being kept busy.

"I love the diversity here," she said. "So far I like [the job] a lot."

Torbert has traveled on a long road to get to Cabrini. She graduated from Davis and Elkins College in Elkins,

Kim Torbert

Administrative assistant for Student Development

"I love the diversity here. I like [the job] a lot."

W. Va., with a merchandising degree and a minor in psychology. Her original intention was to go into interior design, but after working for a decorator/architecture showroom, she decided that it was not her calling after all.

After graduation, she moved to Seattle. She and friend drove there together, but took the long route. They spent five weeks on the road visiting every town along the way.

"I lived out of my car," Torbert said. "It was a lot of fun. It was probably the highlight of my life up until this point."

Wyoming is Torbert's favorite place to travel. "It's beautiful there. Just perfect," she said of her favorite Wyoming city, Jackson. She also loves the West Coast.

Although Torbert still loves to take road trips, with the start of school and the dedine of summer, she probably will not be taking another anytime soon.

In her spare time Torbert paints and has just discovered oil painting. Landscapes and flowers are some of the things she enjoys painting, but she admits that she is still just a beginner. She also enjoys shopping for furniture, although her house is becoming quite crowded from that hobby.

If she isn't at the movies watching Al Pacino or Quentin Tarantino on the big screen, she is reading a novel by Anne Tyler or Alice Hoffman. Or dreaming about the next road trip she'll be taking.

Working at Cabrini is transporting Torbert into her own past college memories. Davis and Elkins College, which she attended, was very much like Cabrini. It was small with lots of trees and nature all around. Torbert is not complaining.

"I feel like I'm 18 again," she said.

Another one of the things she likes about Cabrini is that she isn't working out of a cnbide. "I love my window!" she said. Maybe the view of lush trees and rolling acres of greenery remind her of Wyoming.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.