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The Joys Unexpected of Sponsored Content

Hear from Vet Show’s organiser Rachel Kilmartin on why gaining CPD in the Exhibitor Showcase Theatres is more exciting than ever before.


Did you know that Stephen Fry, Emma Thompson and Steve Coogan all got their start on side stages at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival? We want you to think about that when you plan time at the London Vet Show 2022. With CPD programmed by world-class educational bodies like the Royal Veterinary College and the British Veterinary Association, you could easily spend two days at the London Vet Show sitting in the dark, colossal theatres absorbing information from our brilliant clinical speakers like a captivating movie marathon. That is absolutely your prerogative. But trust us – take a break and explore the wider programme. Don’t miss your opportunity to see the next the next big thing in veterinary sector because your intimidated by the Exhibitor Showcase Theatres.

You know these theatres – the open ones on the exhibition floor, sometimes with

Silent Disco headphones and often with a crowd of people standing around the outside as they consider committing to the whole session. As an organiser,

I know the true quality of the content in these Exhibitor Showcases.

Conversely, as an avid event attendee myself, I know that sponsored content sometimes gets a reputation for being as sale pitch as opposed to useful education. The added perceived intimacy of these theatres (due to the smaller size and open layout) doesn’t help.

But here’s my top-secret tip from behind the curtains at the London Vet Show: the sessions really are the hidden gems of the conference programme. Why? Because the thing about sponsors is that they have budgets that can support some of the most ingenious veterinary educators, and some of the most interesting case studies and innovations in the world. This means some of the most interesting speakers are in these theatres.

Here are some more myth-busting reasons why should consider attending our Exhibitor Showcase Theatres:

MYTH 1: “Sessions with logos next to them are just sales pitches.”

FACT: The Exhibitor Showcase Theatres has been carefully curated by the London Vet Show team. The limited availability of sessions makes them very appealing to sponsors however we ensure that only true market innovation and inspirers are invited to present. Often speakers will present research and case studies for the very first time in these theatres, making them exciting CPD. Note: sponsors are welcome to hand-out literature, and of course, they will be thanked by the speaker during the sessions.

MYTH 2: “I’m shy and don’t want to be forced to participate.”

FACT: You can participate as much as or as little as you like. Usually, the speaker is presenting as they would in the larger theatres. So, although there may be a bit more eye contact, the only time you’ll need to participate is during Q&A.

MYTH 3: “The speakers aren’t vets.”

FACT: The speakers are from a wide range of clinical and business backgrounds and from all aspects of animal health. Mostly – they are veterinary professionals, scientists or people who have years of experiences in their field. For example, world-leaders in veterinary care such as Sue Ettinger (oncology) Lisa A. Miller (laser therapy) and Mike Davies (clinical nutrition) are lined-up to speak in 2022.

MYTH 4: “My clinical team doesn’t want to attend those sessions, so neither do I.”

FACT: GOOD! Why not use this opportunity to meet new friends with similar clinical challenges or interests as you?

MYTH 5: “Sponsored sessions aren’t CPD”.

Every hour you spend in the London Vet Show counts towards your overall CPD. But consider how fantastic your reflective CPD notes will look when you outline an innovating case study with your direct questions answered from the lead scientists themselves?! Ultimately, you come to the London Vet Show to get the very best CPD to be able to deliver the best veterinary care. Mixing up the type and style of education you participate in will give you the best experience and you will be more likely to retain the information you digest. So next time you are walking past one of our Exhibitor Innovation Theatres, don’t shuffle past with the crowd: pick up the headphones and engage in some of the most surprisingly innovative and entertaining sessions of the 2022 line-up.

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