1 minute read


Name: Adaeze Cornelia Anane

Age: 33

Location: Seattle, Washington, USA

Agency: Quickbook Agency, Manikin Talent Agency

How long have you been modelling for?

4 years

Where are you from originally? Seattle, Washington, USA

Do you have an unusual talent or party trick? have a high tolerance to alcohol, it is very hard for me to get drunk It takes a lot of alcohol to make me drunk

What would surprise people to know about you?

I used to be an Emo moody Hot Topic American high schooler Hot Topic in the 90s was this very Emo clothing store for teenagers, I shopped there when I was a teenager

What are your modelling ambitions?

To continue to never stop learning about runway and fashion modeling, to build my fashion networking as well as connections in the entertainment field. As well as to make a difference in the fashion community as a unique type of beauty that has never been seen before in the fashion or even the entertainment world of celebrities and models

Photographer: Timeout Photography; The Gloomy Moon Child Channel @gmchannelshow

Model: Adaeze Anane at Manikin Talent Agency @adaeze c anane

Wardrobe: Torrid, Ross, Lovely Wholesale