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Webinar: 3D reconstructions for story-telling and understanding CC Global Summit 2021 147

Webinar: 3D reconstructions for story-telling and understanding



Dissemination Methods for 3D Historical Virtual Environments

Discussing methods of informal digital literacy with case studies of remote virtual reconstructions.

Interactive storytelling in virtual worlds

Educators and Guides can use interactive virtual recreations 3D environments as an additional tool within the museum school environment.

Virtual reconstructions can take place at: • The Museum environment with immersive VR displays or joint exhibitions • Heritage sites and with walking virtual tours. • Home, through social media, offer online virtual tours.

Have a glimpse at openvirtualworlds website.

3D reconstructions for storytelling and understanding is a webinar on 17 February 2022. The webinar is organised by Katie Fernie, who also organised the webinar Using AI to monitor historic towns and landscapes: #Connecting Archaeology if you read our article AI and Satellite imagery monitor cultural landscapes

The webinar was highly informative and gave several examples of 3Dreconstruction projects and their uses, hosted by Carare,” a non profit association that brings together agencies and organisations, research institutions, specialist digital archives and others with an interest in the archaeological and architectural heritage”. Below is a summary of the webinar, which we recommend you follow.

Dissemination Methods for 3D Historical Virtual Environments

Virtual reconstructions are visual representations of research, needing: • Academic Audit • Expert and local knowledge • errain survey • Modern capture • 3D artefacts, environmental effects etc.

Interactive storytelling in virtual worlds

Visual dimension: building worlds of 3d reconstructed cultural heritage and integrating intangible heritage for storytelling and gamification.

Working with real-time VR, contactless interaction, historical sites, monuments, digitisation to create an interactive virtual reality. The approach is multidisciplinary 3D reconstruction and scientific methodology to create virtual tours and interactive storytelling through object interaction.

Find out more at 4CH Project

I want to learn more:

The video recording on CARARE’s Vimeo channel: https://vimeo. com/678728267

The slides on CARARE’s Slideshare channel: https://www.slideshare.net/ CARARE/3d-reconstructions-for-story-telling-and-understanding

3D reconstructions for story-telling and understanding

3D reconstructions for story-telling and understanding Europeana

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CC Global Summit 2021

Creative Commons is one of the leading organisations ensuring sharing and access to knowledge. The summit brings together an international community discussing culture, art, technology including derived ethical or philosophical questions.

What is “Creative Commons”? In a nutshell: You most certainly heard or used their Creative Commons licenses and public domain tools, allowing creators and the public to have open access to information, books, images etc as well as ensure their copyrights distribution.

• How the Netherlands Accepted Online Teaching: Checklist for Choosing your Online Learning Platform • Introducing Wikisource: The Free Digital Library • The Value and Impact of Digital Cultural Heritage • Hack4OpenGLAM cocreation event is back during the Summit, where professionals come together and work toward Open Access to cultural heritage.

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The annual CC Global Summit will take place virtually between 20-24 September bringing current exciting panels, topics and tutorials! Creative Commons promises a week of creativity, discussion and collaboration with their second virtual summit marking their 20th anniversary! The event offers a great program and pay-what-you-can tickets granting everyone full access.

2021 Program

The schedule is packed from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm UTC with incredible segments, guaranteeing something for everyone. Our favourites: • Wake-up Call for Heritage at Risk • Legal and Ethical Challenges to Sharing and Using GLAM Collections • Flexible Approach of Learning in Inclusive Education • Protecting Open Licenses in the EU Copyright Reform • Sustainability Strategies for Artists and Creative Professionals: How can CC licenses help? Fátima São Simão • Making Community Publishing Mainstream: A New Economic Model for Knowledge Production • AI Commons: reconciling open content licensing and AI training

• CC + NFT

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