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A Letter from the General Manager

Hello Loyalty Team,

Very excited to announce the new hours for West Sac and Roseville. This will be a tremendous opportunity to help drum up business. The expanded hours will keep us competitive and offer a great service to those customers who need our Loyal services after 6:00 pm. Please feel free to share the facebook extended hours with your friends and family!


We continue to build our teams and explore new business options by being engaged in our community. Part of the success in growth is we have and continue to develop strong teams. We welcome high talented individuals and continue to explore new training methods.

Some noteworthy accomplishments from August is Roseville had the most retail sales in the company as well as the largest loan growth for the whole month. Fantastic job Roseville!! The top salesman for the month was Parker Hush, 2nd place Jason Wagner and 3rd place Dominic Tognolini. This was a great month in sales as we surpassed July by $35,000. Many more month’s like this to come!!!

Lastly, we like to take some time to celebrate positive successes. Each store has hit milestones and has had reasons to celebrate. When was the last time you or your team was celebrated? We are open to ideas from our loyal team members to celebrate. What say you?? Please reach out to me with ideas to celebrate accomplishments. I would also like to hear how some of you may have been celebrated already. Let’s have a great September and keep it competitive!

Wayne Silliman General Manager

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson