2 minute read

Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Family,

Our loan growth has been exceptional, a true testament to the hard work and dedication we put into our business. However, we must not overlook the importance of continuously improving our retail operations. With that in mind, I am thrilled to announce the addition of fantastic new price point pieces to our inventory. We have carefully chosen these pieces, expecting them to be a great contributor to our retail. To assist our team in boosting sales, let us focus on implementing two effective sales tactics. Firstly, let's not forget the power of upselling. Encourage our team to identify opportunities where they can suggest additional items or services to our clients. By offering matching accessories or complementary pieces when a customer shows interest in a particular item, we can increase the overall transaction value and provide a more comprehensive shopping experience. Secondly, let's leverage the influence of customer reviews. Encourage our team to collect positive feedback and reviews from satisfied customers, which we can feature in our marketing materials and display instore. By showcasing these reviews, we build trust and credibility with potential buyers, ultimately increasing sales. Lastly, I am excited to introduce our newest team member, Dominic Morales, who has joined the Broadway team. Let us extend a warm welcome and support him as he settles into his new role.W


1. What is your favorite way to spend a day off? Cleaning or with my Girlfriend making food.

2. Where is the next place on your travel bucket list and why? Hawaii

3. What was your favorite age growing up? 12I was in little league.

4. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not? Christmas -family is together.

5. What was the last thing you read? Why are We yelling by. Buster Benson

6. What was the last TV show you binge-watched? Suits on Netflix

7. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music? Podcasts, white noise, meditation music.

8. What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? My girlfriend and getting paid or making an impact on someone.

9. What is one goal you have for this year personally and professionally? save money.

10. Ideally, how would you spend your birthday? relax of with the ones I love.

11. What is your favorite board game? Monopoly

12. What is the best way the company can celebrate you and your team's success? Recognition.

13. What causes are you passionate about? being clean and not leaving trash on the street.

14. What is an essential part of your daily routine? Staying calm.

15. Who or what inspires you in your career? My dad

16. What is something an outsider would not know about your industry? my story. Just ask

17. What is the career highlight you are most proud of? Being able to move out on my own.

18. Do you believe in having a "five-year plan"? yes. Stability

19. What is the best piece of advice a family member has given you? Everyone hits rock bottom at some point.

20. What is your definition of success? financial freedom we get back up together!!

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