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kid’s got talent

Welcome to our monthly feature:

’Kid’s Got Talent’


The place where we showcase the amazing talents of local children. We hope this will help motivate and inspire other children to discover new sports and hobbies.

Name: Phil Trevor age: 12 from: shefford

Q. Briefly explain your talent. My talent is HTML coding and website building. I am self-taught and have spent many weeks researching and learning new ways of coding to make websites look good.

Q. How did you teach yourself HTML Coding and Script writing? I watched lots of YouTube videos and still watch at least one per day to keep my knowledge fresh.

Q. Do you attend training courses or watch tutorials on YouTube? I am not able to attend training courses because most of the online course require you to be over 16, as I’ve only just turned 12 I watch YouTube videos instead.

Q. What is the most challenging aspect? Making the websites mobile responsive. This means that if you open a website up on a PC, mobile phone, Ipad etc. the text and pictures will always change to fit the screen size.

Q. You run your own web design business, what is it called and how did this come about? My business is called Make Your Web (www.makeyourweb.co.uk). I started learning coding when I was 10. During Lockdown I really got in to it and have learnt a lot of new stuff. The inspiration to start my own business came when I looked at some local businesses and realised that they either didn’t have any web presence or that their website was very basic.

Q. Is it difficult running your own business and having to go to school? Not really as I get home and I still have a few hours each evening and the weekends. During school I think about what to add to the websites I’m designing – obviously only during break times!!

Q. Which aspect of running your own business do you enjoy the most / least? I get excited when a new customer sends a message on my ‘Contact Us’ form and least enjoyable would be when I think I’ve finished a site but then find a bug which needs fixing, that’s really frustrating! Does your child have an amazing talent? if so, please get in touch at admin@livinglifemagazine.co.uk