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GCHS brings razzle dazzle to “Chicago: Teen Edition”

Garden City High School's production of “Chicago: Teen Edition” captivated audience members from start to finish. Performances were held March 9–11 in the auditorium at Garden City High School.

Set in the city of Chicago, “Chicago: Teen Edition” is all about fame, fortune and acquittal during the height of the 1920s jazz age. The production included original music by John Kander and Fred Ebb as well as Bob Fosse inspired choreography.

Auditions were held in mid-December and students in grades 9 through 12 participated in a rigorous 10 weeks of rehearsal before opening night. The show was an overwhelming success, and the audience showed their enthusiasm with standing ovations each night.

Garden City High School students performed “Chicago: Teen Edition.”

Photo courtesy of Garden City Public Schools

The production team included co-directors, co-producers and co-stage crew advisers Angela McLaughlin and Katie Sckalor, Vocal Music Director Alexandra Frazzetto, Pit Orchestra

Attention students!

Graduated from school? Have an outstanding GPA? Made the honor roll or Dean’s List? Scored an internship or study abroad opportunity?

Director Andew Albani, Production Assistant Alyssa Acierno and StudentChoreographers Erin O’Connor and Kami Bremer.

Grayson Gardi, a senior who played the lead role of Velma said, “I am so grateful for having the opportunity to play my dream role alongside my best friends.” Erin O’Connor, a senior who played the lead role of Roxie, added, “I couldn’t have asked for a better experience to end my high school theater career, and I’m just so proud of my fellow castmates for the hard work they put in and the amazing show we put on.”

One of the directors of the production, Angela McLaughlin, stated, “This production of ‘Chicago’ was comprised of the most talented, dedicated, professional and kind group of students I have ever directed. It’s always bittersweet to see a production come to an end, but I couldn’t be prouder of what Katie Sckalor and I produced and directed.”

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