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On Sunday 16th July, despite the unpredictable weather and clashing with major sports events, a sizeable crowd attended Sidmouth Lions Club’s annual Duck Derby in the beautiful Byes parkland in Sidmouth.


The event commenced at 2.15 pm, when children and their parents gathered near the Byes Cycle Bridge for the Lions special ‘Duck & Spoon’ races. These fun races featured children in various age ranges from two to 11 years old, followed by races for mums, dads, and finally for fit grandparents. The races were very competitive, and the entrants were enthusiastically cheered on by family and friends!

The main yellow Duck Race started at 3.00 pm from the Byes Cycle Bridge with a countdown and launching by the Lions of several thousand little yellow ducks into the river Sid, watched by the crowd of children and adults on the river banks. A few of the ducks needed some ‘egging on’ by Sidmouth College students and Sid Vale Scouts helpers but, once mobilised, the leading ducks didn’t take very long to complete the river course downstream to the finish line, just before the big weir by Salcombe Road bridge.

of the winning ducks the chance of a prize from over £1,000 of cash prizes.

However, the biggest winners at Sidmouth Lions Duck Derby are the charities that receive donations from the net proceeds of the main yellow Duck Race. This year the two charities were The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, which received a cheque for £1,300, and Sidmouth Lions Club Charity account which received the balance of the net proceeds. The Guide Dogs cheque was presented by Lion President Graham Rossiter, accompanied by Lions Chris & Trevor, to Krissie Isaac, the Guide Dogs South West representative, who was accompanied by several local Guide Dog volunteers and guide dogs.

Sidmouth Lions have thanked supporters of this year’s Duck Derby, especially the local Co-op store, Coastline Mobility, and local Lidl store for allowing the Lions to sell Duck tickets outside their premises; also, the proprietors of ‘Paper Moon’, ‘Cards@ and Woolbrook News’ for selling the Duck tickets in their shops.

Thanks also to those who helped on Duck Derby Day, especially Sidmouth College students, Sid Vale Scouts, and the two St John Ambulance first-aiders. The Taste of Sidmouth ice-creams proved popular, and Taste kindly donated their net proceeds to the charities.

More Aid for Ukraine

Over the last wo weeks Lion Kevin Brookes has collected approx. 80 pairs of crutches, six commodes and assorted walking frames and seats from the Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapists team at Dorset County Hospital. (DCH). Thanks Emma, they will be in Ukraine in September. A box of unwanted medical supplies was also donated by and collected from the Wyke Regis Health Centre.