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Kathy Perry, Social Media & Facebook Advertising Consultant

Are you targeting your best client? Are you attracting prospective clients? Are you leveraging the power of Facebook advertising?

Get Kathy's 52 Social Media Tips Free e-book here: www.52socialmediatips.com

About Kathy Perry:

As a Social Media & Facebook Advertising Consultant, Kathy Perry is known for taking the Eek! Out of Geek. Kathy works with Business Owners to MAXIMIZE every dollar spent in Marketing, to get more clients/orders, using today's available Social Media Technology at a Fraction of the Cost of Traditional Media. She is a featured BrainTrust member on the Small Business Advocate Radio Show and is a University of Tampa MBA Leadership Coach.

Kathy is a leader in the Personal Growth Industry and co-authored the successful book "Stepping Stones to Success" with best-selling authors Deepak Chopra and Jack Canfield, among others. As an Energy Empowerment Coach, Kathy shares energy tips, tools & ideas to help reduce stress and overwhelm that might be hindering success.

kathy@kathyperry.com www.KathyPerry.LinktoEXPERT.com

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