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8 Free LinkedIn Marketing Tools Every Small Business Should Use

LinkedIn has become an essential platform for businesses and professionals looking to connect and network online. As a small business owner, you can use LinkedIn to expand your reach, build your brand, and generate more leads. However, without the right tools and resources, it can be challenging to make the most of this popular social media platform. Fortunately, there are several free LinkedIn marketing tools available that can help you plan, execute and track your marketing campaigns. In this article, we will introduce you to the top free LinkedIn marketing tools for small businesses that you can use to drive growth and profitability.

LinkedIn Marketing offers small businesses the opportunity to level up their game and leverage the power of social networking to increase their reach and grow their business. Here are some of the top free LinkedIn marketing tools to help small businesses succeed:


1. LinkedIn Pages – allows small businesses to create company pages to showcase their products or services, missions, values, and achievements. Through LinkedIn Pages, they can share news, articles, and other content to engage with their target audience.

2. LinkedIn Groups – small business owners can create or join groups based on their industry or interests to connect with like-minded professionals, share knowledge, and exchange ideas. They can also use groups to promote their business and products.

3. LinkedIn Ads – small businesses can use LinkedIn Ads to reach their targeted audience. The ad campaigns can be customized to specific locations, job titles, industries, and other criteria.

4. LinkedIn Analytics – provides businesses using LinkedIn with valuable insights on the performance of their campaigns, company pages, and posts. They can use the data to make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies.

By using these free LinkedIn post scheduler tools, small businesses can reach potential customers, build their brands, and expand their business without spending a fortune on advertising and promotion. However, it is essential to create engaging and informative content that resonates with the target audience and fosters meaningful connections and relationships.

Simplified - The Ultimate LinkedIn Marketing Tool

Simplified.com offers a comprehensive and user-friendly LinkedIn marketing tool that simplifies the process of creating and managing marketing campaigns. With Simplified, small businesses have access to powerful features aimed at maximizing their marketing efforts and getting the most out of LinkedIn's network.

Some of the features offered by Simplified.com include:

1. Automated Campaign Creation – Simplified scans a company's existing LinkedIn page and creates targeted campaigns based on their audience's profiles and interests.

2. Customizable Templates – Simplified offers a range of customizable templates to help businesses design professional-looking ads that reflect their brand's identity.

3. Automated Bidding

Simplified automatically optimizes bids to reach the target audience while minimizing cost-per-click (CPC) bids.

4. Analytics Dashboard – Simplified provides users with a comprehensive analytics dashboard that displays key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions. These insights help small businesses make informed decisions on their LinkedIn marketing strategies.

5. Smart Audience Targeting – Simplified allows businesses to target their audience based on specific criteria such as location, industry, job title, and seniority level. This helps them reach their target audience more effectively.

Simplified.com's LinkedIn marketing tool is a great resource for small businesses looking to improve their marketing efforts on LinkedIn. By simplifying the process and offering powerful features, Simplified helps small businesses maximize their marketing potential on one of the largest social networks for professionals.

Top Free LinkedIn Marketing Features on Simplified Simplified.com provides a range of free LinkedIn marketing features that small businesses can take advantage of. These features help small businesses achieve their marketing objectives without breaking the bank. Here are the top 4 free LinkedIn marketing features on Simplified:

1. Customizable Ad Templates – Simplified.com offers a range of customizable templates that are tailored to a company's brand identity. Small businesses can choose from a variety of designs and use their creativity to create professional-looking ads.

2. Automated Bidding – Simplified.com's automated bidding allows small businesses to optimize their bids while reaching their target audience with minimum cost-per-click (CPC). This feature helps businesses maximize their budget without overspending.

3. Smart Audience Targeting – Simplified.com's smart audience targeting allows small businesses to target their audience based on specific criteria such as location, industry, job title, and seniority level. This helps businesses reach their target audience more effectively.

4. Analytics Dashboard – Simplified.com provides a comprehensive analytics dashboard that displays key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions. These insights help small businesses make informed decisions on their LinkedIn marketing strategies.

By taking advantage of these free features, small businesses can improve their LinkedIn marketing efforts and stay competitive in their industry. With Simplified.com, small businesses have access to powerful marketing resources that can help them achieve their marketing goals.

Canva Integration

One critical aspect of effective LinkedIn marketing is integrating it with other marketing channels. Integrating LinkedIn with other channels can help small businesses reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness. Here are five ways that Canva integration can enhance your LinkedIn marketing efforts:

1. Create Professional LinkedIn content – Canva offers a range of templates and design tools that businesses can use to create professional LinkedIn posts and ads. With Canva, small businesses can create visually appealing content and stand out on the platform.

2. Consistent Branding – Canvas design templates enable small businesses to create a consistent brand identity across all marketing channels, including LinkedIn. This helps businesses stay recognizable and memorable to their target audience.

3. Increase Engagement Rate – Engaging visuals can increase the engagement rate of LinkedIn posts. With Canvas design tools, small businesses can create eye-catching visuals such as infographics, videos, and gifs to increase engagement rates.

4. Integration with Canva Pro – Canva Pro offers additional design features and capabilities compared to the free version. Pro users can access over 75 million premium photos, videos, and graphics to create even more impressive LinkedIn content.

5. Save Time and Money – Canva is an affordable and time-efficient option for small businesses to create LinkedIn content themselves. Instead of hiring a graphic designer, small businesses can use Canvas design tools and templates to create professional-looking content.

Integrating Canva with LinkedIn can help small businesses achieve their marketing objectives while saving time and money. By utilizing Canvas design tools, small businesses can create visually appealing content that resonates with their target audience, consistently promotes their brand, and increases engagement rates on LinkedIn.

Automatic Posting

Automatic posting is a game-changer for small businesses looking to enhance their LinkedIn marketing efforts. Imagine being able to schedule your posts ahead of time, allowing you to focus on other critical business tasks while still maintaining an active and engaging presence on LinkedIn.

There are several tools available to automate your LinkedIn posting, including the Simplified.com platform. Here are a few benefits of using an automatic posting tool for your LinkedIn marketing:

1. Consistency - Posting regularly on LinkedIn is crucial to maintain a strong brand presence. By automating your posts, you can ensure that your content is being published at consistent intervals, keeping your audience engaged.

2. Saves Time - Manually logging in to LinkedIn to post content can be time-consuming. By automating your posting, you can save time and streamline your marketing efforts.

3. Reach a Wider Audience - Automating your LinkedIn posting allows you to schedule posts at optimal times, ensuring that your content reaches a wider audience.

4. Analytics - Automatic posting tools often come with analytics capabilities, allowing you to track the performance of your posts and tweak your strategy accordingly.

5. Customization - Most automatic posting tools allow you to customize your posts, including adding hashtags, tags, and multimedia elements like images and videos.

Overall, automatic posting is an excellent tool for small businesses looking to enhance their LinkedIn marketing efforts. Utilizing these features can help you maintain a consistent brand presence, save time, reach a wider audience, and measure the performance of your posts.

Lead Management

LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform, providing ample opportunities for lead generation and management. For small businesses, it is essential to leverage this platform to connect with potential customers and clients.

Here are 8 top free LinkedIn marketing tools that small businesses can utilize to streamline their lead management process:

1. Simplified: Boost your LinkedIn profile with Simplified. This free marketing tool offers customized outreach, analytics, and auto-connection. Optimize your marketing campaigns, reach more customers, and grow your brand. Try Simplified today.

2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator - This tool provides advanced search filters, lead recommendations, and real-time alerts to help find the right prospects and engage with them through personalized outreach.

3. HubSpot Sales Hub - This tool integrates with LinkedIn and provides insights into profile visits and message response rates, allowing sales teams to prioritize leads and engage with them effectively.

4. Dux-Soup - This tool automates prospecting by visiting profiles, sending personalized messages, and tracking engagement in real-time, making it easier to manage leads at scale.

5. Crystal Knows - This tool leverages artificial intelligence to analyze LinkedIn profiles, providing insights into personality traits and communication styles to personalize outreach and improve engagement.

6. ClickUp - This tool helps organize and track lead management tasks, allowing teams to collaborate and prioritize tasks effectively.

7. Rapportive - This tool integrates with Gmail and provides insights into LinkedIn profiles directly within the email interface, making it easy to manage leads and relationships.

8. Hootsuite - This tool allows businesses to schedule and automate LinkedIn posts, track performance, and engage with followers across multiple social media platforms.

By utilizing these free LinkedIn marketing tools, small businesses can streamline their lead management process and improve their chances of success on the platform. With the right tools and strategies, LinkedIn can become an excellent source of high-quality leads for any business.

Analytics for LinkedIn Marketing

To effectively use the LinkedIn platform for marketing, small businesses need to harness the power of analytics to measure their success and adjust their strategies accordingly. Here are some top free LinkedIn analytics tools that small businesses can use:

1. LinkedIn Analytics - This tool provides a comprehensive dashboard to track page views, engagement, and follower demographics. It can also help identify high-performing content and provide insights for better targeting.

2. Google Analytics - By integrating Google Analytics with LinkedIn, businesses can monitor website traffic from LinkedIn and track the performance of their LinkedIn campaigns. This tool provides in-depth insights into audience behavior and demographics.

3. Buffer Analyze - This tool provides analytics for LinkedIn, as well as other social media platforms. It can help measure the success of marketing campaigns, track engagement metrics, and provide insights for improving content.

4. Sprout Social - This tool offers comprehensive analytics for LinkedIn and other social media platforms. It provides insights into audience demographics, engagement, and content performance, helping businesses to optimize their marketing strategies.

5. Quintly - This tool offers competitive analytics for LinkedIn, allowing businesses to track their performance as compared to competitors. It also provides insights into audience behavior and engagement.

By utilizing these analytics tools, small businesses can gain valuable insights into their LinkedIn marketing campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their strategies to maximize their success on the platform. With consistent monitoring and adjustments, businesses can optimize their LinkedIn marketing efforts and generate high-quality leads for their business.

Conclusion: In conclusion, these tools offer a variety of free LinkedIn marketing tools that can benefit small businesses in numerous ways. From creating compelling content to measuring engagement and adjusting marketing strategies, these tools are essential for a successful LinkedIn marketing campaign. By investing time and effort in using these tools, small business owners can elevate their brand's online presence, build partnerships, and ultimately generate higher revenue. LinkedIn post scheduler tools are providing a valuable