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SERMON-BASED CURRICULUM How can YOU produce a sermon-based curriculum?



Selecting We’ll partner with you to determine what series in your sermon library could be a great small group curriculum. You’ll send us the audio or video files so we can have them transcribed.

Writing We’ll write a small group edition of each sermon in the series, integrating our expertise and adding small group dynamics into your outlines.



Producing We’ll schedule a shoot in California, at your church, or in some other location to capture you and your team presenting the video teaching.

Authoring We’ll write a small group study guide based on the small group scripts. This will be based on your content with questions for deeper study, study notes, daily devotionals, and more.



Designing We’ll lay out the print curriculum in one of our dozens of pre-designed templates or create a custom template designed exclusively for your church.

Printing We’ll deliver print-ready and duplication-ready files for you to print and reproduce locally through our network of printers.



Launching We’ll provide coaching and encouragement as you distribute materials and launch your new church-wide campaign or small group series!


VIDEO features

For churches large and small, Lifetogether works with the pastor, leadership, and creative arts team to create a complete package of small group video curriculum. This might include one pastor teaching to the screen or a “Town Hall” with an audience, plus live worship, testimonies, leader training, video devotionals, and more.

TOWN Hall:

Multiply the energy and effectiveness of the video teaching with this new format! Instead of the traditional “talking head” approach, the Town Hall gathers a few dozen audience members to hear a leader or a small group of leaders share a short teaching time and then participate by asking questions and interacting.

MASTER Teaching:

The primary feature of every video series is the master teaching. This can be done by the senior pastor, the pastor and their spouse, another teaching duo, or a team of staff members.

WORSHIP Experience:

We can produce and direct a worship experience with your team, your musicians, and the songs that connect with your people. It’s a great resource for small groups, house churches, multisites and microsites!


Jim & Jennifer Cowart HARVEST CHURCH


Kerry & Chris Shook WOODLANDS CHURCH

Dale & Joni Oquist PEOPLES CHURCH