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lifestyle Health



As wonderful as the transition into autumn and winter can be, the winter blues are no joke. Sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder will often feel unmotivated and depressed during the winter months.

Symptoms include a persistent low mood; a loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities; irritability; feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness; feeling lethargic and sleepy during the day; sleeping for longer than normal and finding it hard to get up in the morning; craving carbohydrates and gaining weight; decreased sex drive; and difficulty concentrating. The experts at Essential Living have come up with five rent-friendly environmental changes to try if you are prone to suffering from SAD. 1. Light therapy: Invest in a UV lamp (SAD lamp). UV lamps simulate natural sunlight and trigger the brain to release serotonin - the happy hormone. Use a SAD lamp for around 30 minutes every morning - this is said to improve your symptoms within two to four days of use.

2. House plants: The benefits of adding plants to your home are a lot more than you think. They can help reduce stress, and in turn, increase levels of creativity and self-esteem. Real house plants also enhance the air

quality of your home, circulating more oxygen. Try plants such as Aloe and Lavender which have been shown to have calming effects and help battle fatigue. 3. De-clutter: While some might abide by the term, “tidy room, tidy mind”, others prefer to live in a more creative but chaotic environment. However, clutter can trigger anxious feelings and depression for some. If this is you, start small, such as picking five items to declutter every day. Your mindset will start to improve as you have less to clean each time.

4. Invest in your bed: Make sure you have a good quality mattress or mattress topper if you’re renting, as well as fluffy pillows you can sink into each night.

A good night’s sleep can boost your mood, improve concentration and inevitably relieve the symptoms of


5. Electric blankets: Amidst the cost-of-living crisis, electric blankets are now a familiar, cheaper alternative to spending your pennies on central heating. Using an electric blanket at night is said to let your body know it’s time to sleep by creating a warm and cosy space, keeping you at a consistent temperature all night long.

As well as helping us drift off to sleep at night, they can also help with pain relief throughout the day, helping to heal any soreness, stiffness or cramps.


by Cristiana Sanna, www.thedetoxmaster.com

Naturopathy is a distinct primary healthcare system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. It is based on the healing power of nature, and it supports and stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathy is the art and science of disease treatment and prevention using natural therapies, including hydrotherapy, detoxification programmes, bodywork (posture), tissue salts, Bach flower remedies, homoeopathy, herbs, nutrition and lifestyle advice, emotional and energetic healing, health promotion and disease prevention.

Naturopathy helps people with all health concerns - from acute to chronic illness and from the physical to the psychological and emotional. It can be beneficial for anyone looking for disease prevention and health promotion strategies, for those who have been diagnosed with an illness, often severe or chronic, and are looking for supportive treatment options or those who are looking to combine conventional and naturopathic treatments to minimise side effects of drugs, surgery or medical treatments.