3 minute read

Health & Fitness

lifestyle Health & Fitness



Sleeping in a heatwave is difficult enough, but if you have hay fever as well, it can make things even worse and leave you feeling tired and exhausted. However, there are things you can do to help – airborne allergens expert, Max Wiseberg gives his top tips…

1. Take a shower or bath before sleeping to remove pollen particles from your hair and body. 2. Apply a small amount of organic drug-free allergen barrier balm like HayMax around the nostrils and bones of the eyes. 3. Don’t drink alcohol before bed. Beer, wine and spirits all contain histamine, the chemical that sets off allergy symptoms in your body. Avoid mucus-producing dairy drinks. 4. Wash your bedding frequently and cover your bed with a sheet (stored away from the bed before you get into it).

Dry your bedding and bed clothes indoors rather than on a clothesline.

5. Keep your bedroom windows and door closed; if this makes the room too hot, consider using an air filter/ purifier with a HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Arresting) filter.

6. Vacuum the bedroom regularly, including the bed, curtains and other fabrics to remove pollen particles. 7. If you own a pet, keep it out of the room you sleep in.

Pollen gets trapped in animals’ fur and will be brought indoors.


Fran from Flin’s Fitness says: “In the fitness world, it's well known that a plank can do more for your core strength than any amount of crunches! It trains you to hold your abdominals in taut, bringing about a strong, more upright posture. It holds in contraction not only your stomach muscles, but your back muscles, your shoulders and buttocks, also in full plank your thighs! This move can be modified if you are a beginner, pregnant or post-natal, or post injury, simply by placing the knees down. Place your forearms to the floor, close to your chest. Brace, and take your body onto your toes and forearms, forming a straight line from shoulders to heels. If you feel slumping at the pelvis, put your knees down and then form a straight line from your shoulders to your buttocks, creating a half plank. Build up from 10 seconds to 30 seconds or even longer (unless you have high blood pressure, in which case keep to very short intervals.) Variations are plenty of course! Please message me (fran@flinsfitness.co.uk) if you would like to know more about the plank!”


Q: When can Hypnotherapy treat anxiety and other serious mental health conditions?

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have worked with clients with mental health issues, such as depression, stress, anxiety, and panic attack. These conditions respond well to hypnotherapy. Yet Bipolar, severe PTSD, various personality disorders, and other serious mental health conditions will need more intervention than a hypnotherapist alone can provide. A hypnotherapist will need to be trained, as a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, or something similar. They usually need to complete about 100 hours of therapy work before they qualify. Using both hypnosis and therapy can achieve positive results in helping others manage their mental health conditions.


bonebalance™ is a 100% natural food supplement approved for the dietary management of osteoporosis and osteopenia. It comprises high-quality specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides that are clinically proven to help form bone matrix - the tissue that gives bones tensile strength and flexibility so they can absorb impact without breaking. The flavourless powder can be dissolved into water, juice or hot drinks or stirred into yogurt or smoothies and there are no side-effects. Prices cost £39.99 for a month’s supply.