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Xmas Life Hacks

How to make a Christmas wreath

Christmas wreaths are a great way to decorate the outside of your home and make your house look like a real-life Christmas movie. Rather than buying one this year, why not try and make your own? Here’s how with the help of Liam Lapping from Flowercard… 1. Make it green


Important talks around climate change have made people think more about the planet and the impact they’re having on it. Christmas decorations shouldn’t be exempt from this, so when you’re making your wreath, try using a rattan frame instead of a metal one, then go out foraging to find different types of spruce variants to add depth and texture to your wreath. Scrap the plastic decorations and instead opt for dried flowers, dried fruit and natural holly to adorn your Christmas wreath.

2. Make it last longer

If you’re using all-natural decorations, then you need to keep your wreath looking as good as the day you made it. Get an old spray bottle and fill it with water. Every few days give your wreath a spray and it will stay fresh.

3. Measure your door

Most wreaths are placed on the front door of a home, however, if you want to get creative you can also place a wreath on your garage, gate, shed or even window. Wherever you put your wreath, make sure to measure the space and ensure it fits.

4. Think about your colour scheme

Depending on where you want to put your wreath, think about your colour scheme. Inside, ensure the colours you’re adding to your wreath match the colours on your tree and your decorations. If you’re putting your wreath outside, you can experiment with different colours and be bold!

5. Go from large to small

When it comes to making the perfect wreath Liam says: “It’s best to start large then work your way down. Start with your large piece of foliage first, then bulk out with smaller pieces of foliage and flowers, then decorate with smaller dried ingredients.”

Step 1:

Start with a wreath ring - these come in all sorts of materials, but to reduce waste we suggest a rattan or moss ring. Take your evergreen foliage and begin to twist it around the ring, ensuring to keep the leaves and branches facing outwards. Continue until you have covered your wreath ring, you may need to tie the foliage in place using twine to stop it from moving.

Step 2:

Overlap your current wreath with different types of foliage to add depth and texture to your wreath.

Step 3:

At this stage, you can begin adding any extra foliage into sparse places within your wreath to bulk it out. Moss works really well for this. You can also use dried flowers to inject colour and brighten your wreath.

Step 4:

Finally, finish your wreath with dried fruits and berries. You could even spray paint pinecones in your chosen colour scheme.


Here are five quick ideas to get you in the festive mood with guests...

1. Let the games begin! Ditch the small talk in favour of some favourite board games - it will get your guests relaxed in no time at all! 2. Mood lighting is key - whether you're using fairy lights or candles or just dimming the lights, check that everything works! 3. Music - come up with a playlist to suit all tastes. Ask your guests before they arrive what their three favourite songs are to add to the list. 4. Food checks - double check with your guests what they like/don't like or are allergic to. Some might be vegan or gluten intolerant so it's best to check. If you're celebrating an event - don't forget the cake! 5. Double check you have everything - the food, dessert and wine,

Be vigilant!

Christmas is a time to be more vigilant when it comes to looking after your property and belongings. With presents under the tree, burglaries typically increase at this time of the year, so think about some security measures you can take. Local companies can help – from installing an alarm with ADT Security Solutions (call 07923443856), to investing in outdoor lighting (Call GB Electrical on 01322219717 or Hale Electrics on 020 3086 7631) for extra security.

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