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Our Vision

A world where young people overcome the effects of traumatic childhood experiences to become happy, healthy, safe and independent adults.


Our Mission

To transform the life chances of 16-25 year olds made vulnerable by traumatic childhoods by building their confidence, resilience, motivation, skills and networks to find employment and realise their potential.

Our Immediate Goal: 25 by 25

To transform 25 young lives by 2025 through specialist mentoring and coaching, wellbeing and life skills support, practical help and advocacy.

Our Values

Care – Nurture – Inspire (shared with the Life Chance Group)

Our Core Beliefs

• With the right support, childhood trauma can be addressed, and the challenges it creates overcome.

• Every young person is unique: our approach responds to each young person’s needs and aspirations

• Relationships are paramount: we build trust and seek to maintain a sense of safety.

• We ask not ‘what’s wrong with you? But ‘what happened to you?’

• We acknowledge the past, but look to the future

• We focus on each young person’s capabilities, strengths and assets

• We are hopeful, positive, and we never give up.