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Nowit's 'World Impact'
Foreign Missions Fellowship changed its name second semester. Now itisWorld Impact.
The change, prompted by a misconception that FMF was justforstudentsgoingtobemissionaries,willemphasize,asnew presdient Tony Haug sees it, that thisisan organizationfor everyone want to have Libertystudents make an impact forChrist all over theworld.W e hope that each student Inall theschools will become involvedin mssions the restoftheir life."
Tonyorganizedthemeetings sothey would interest students in the short-term projectsthe organization scheduled over springbreak(toRoumania)and theone it designedforsummer (to Brazil).
Every meeting ofthe organization features students who have been overseas with missionaries
Those meetings, once a month,center around a guest speakerfromamissionfieldwho brings slides of his work and sometimes representative food.
OfficersareTonyHaug, president; Harry Gray, vice president;andKimBerry, secretary.
John Barnes, missionary, hands outillustrated comic tractsto Costa Ricans(above left, lower right) who expressed varying degrees of pleasure LUstudents Pam Hawkinsand Dona Faircloth(above center) singat missionwithother Costa Ricans Paul Hanthom (above right) witnessestoresident