1 minute read
Team takes Gospel inmessage to local inmusic, churches
Though it'shard for them to catch their breath in between practicing and traveling,members of LU's LIGHT team know what their ministries mean to others,
"We arelike a breathoffresh air to people we visit and they are likea breath offresh airto us," Brian Weed says "We havetheopportunitytominister to them in music, and they have the opportunity to help us forget the pressures ofschool."
Butaccording toMarshaHerrera,"Seeing people shedding tearsand coming to know the Lord iswhat makes it worth while Knowing how lives are touched through the message and song isexciting tosee."
Spending an hour and a half warming up and setting up equipmentbeforea church service starts takes only a small part of the team'stime.
"We practice four or more hoursa week; and ifwe're not traveling, we rehearse another four hours on the weekends," Greg Boone,music director of LIGHT, says "This year,we have a lotof rehearsal time. We had to be back atschoolAugust 15so we could rehearsefor ournew program.We'replanningtorecord an album, called, "People Need
the Lord'."
Yet to Jon Hatt putting into practice what he's learned at school gives him a chance to minister
"So many people here at school learn, but they don't go out and share what they have been taughtwithotherpeople. Through our music, we have that opportunity."
Theteam returnedearlyfrom Christmasbreakinordertotravel to Pompano, Fla.,where it ministered in a church. Next summer the team willtakeits ministry to Africa andBrazil
— Latisa Snead