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Leaders can be inspirational. But people ultimately CHOOSE whether they will follow or take action.

In 1962, when American president John F. Kennedy declared America would put men on the moon, he did not hypnotize the American people. They didn’t get behind their president reluctantly or blindly. Rather, they responded to his dream because they also wanted to see the goal accomplished.

However, in 1962, the technologies to go to the moon were not yet invented. They didn’t exist. Kennedy spoke in faith that the American people would accomplish the goal. The rest is history.

When the Lord declared in Mark 13:10 that His story will be told in every nation His disciples CHOSE to follow, obey, and GO.

Light for the Lost is helping missionaries fund innovative new technologies to evangelize in countries where the gospel is fiercely restricted and resisted.

Light for the Lost is helping missionaries fund innovative new technologies to evangelize in countries where the gospel is fiercely restricted and resisted.

The mission is not yet finished, however. Billions still need to hear.

Thankfully, we don’t have to wait for the necessary tools and resources to be invented. We have everything we need! We have the Living Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and we have the wealth of heaven at our disposal.

Also, we have technologies of every kind available to us. Because of your faithful giving and support, we can utilize amazing internet technologies and apps for rapid evangelism in places that are extremely gospel resistant.

Persian believers utilize mobile technologies to study the Bible in a country where the gospel is restricted. LFTL makes it possible for missionaries to provide these important, game-changing tools on the field.

Persian believers utilize mobile technologies to study the Bible in a country where the gospel is restricted. LFTL makes it possible for missionaries to provide these important, game-changing tools on the field.

Thank you for choosing to obey the Lord’s command and helping LFTL take His message to the nations!

Rick Allen National Director Men’s Ministries/LFTL