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External (Business Engagement)

The Breakfast Club

Networking digitally can be difficult, nonetheless our goal is to still help members make those necessary connections. This virtual event will be purely for networking with no key speakers involved. Members will each have a minute to come on and introduce themselves, their business and the support that they are able to offer other members. Following the session, a delegate list will be sent out to all attendees so further connections can be made.


Member shout-outs and member offers

It is important for our members that we are promoting them as much as possible, especially during this extraordinary time. We will be creating member shout-out graphics to promote our members and their offers on a regular basis. This will allow members to view other member’s offerings and get in touch if it is a service that they are interested in.

Sector specific Twitter accounts

To allow businesses to obtain valuable advice for their particular business, we have created seven sector specific Twitter accounts. This platform of support is open to all members across the Chamber to follow so that they can frequently ask questions and share information, thoughts and ideas. This will mean that emails don’t have to go out as often, as necessary information can be shared and contributed on this platform.

An alternative platform will be needed for Enterprise Hub clients that do not have Twitter (e.g. pre-starts). We are looking into creating a Facebook Focus Group.


To help improve our mental health as we work from home more, it will be good to get out and socialise with members and co-workers. Once a month (weather dependent) a day will be dedicated to walking and networking with our members.


As a Chamber, we want to introduce a member and staff challenge to encourage everyone to stay fit and healthy. As we are sat at our desks all week working and not moving, we can encourage everyone to start the weekend off positively by doing the Birkenhead Park-Run. This takes place every Saturday at Birkenhead Park, 9am and people can participate whenever they feel like it. A leaderboard with Chamber members and staff can be put together. This is a free way to get everyone involved and stay active. People can also grab a coffee after and network in the park.

Quarterly Chamber Quiz

The world has suddenly turned quiz crazy and many people are quizzing all week long. Why not use this going forward as a different and fun way to engage with our members? We are looking at carrying out a quarterly quiz for all to get involved. Quizzes can relate to the Chamber and its members, be Wirral related, include famous leaders, have a seasonal relation etc. Prizes could include vouchers for the VE sector, reduced membership for the year or discount on office space etc. They will take place between 3-5pm one afternoon so that it doesn’t cut into anyone’s evening and allows businesses to take part in the quiz together (once back in the office).