1 minute read


Q: Why are shipping rates increasing so much?

A: There are actually a few reasons rates have been increasing lately. Due to the pandemic, global supply chains have been disrupted and there’s a shortage of freight containers! That, coupled with limited staff available to work and increasing fuel prices, lead to delayed shipments. While we’re optimistic that things will go back to normal in the near future, our team is dedicated to keeping costs down for clients.


Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do since this is a global issue, but if you’re in need of packaging soon, you may want to opt for premium or expedited shipping!

Q: When should I order my packaging?

A: Ideally, ASAP!!! The order process normally takes approximately 4 months, but we recommened ordering it as far in advance as possible.


Q: I need help designing my packaging. Does it cost extra?

A: We’ve got you covered! Our in-house graphic designer can help you bring your custom packaging vision to life. This includes the design layout and even 3D mockups! The best part? This service is included in our price!

Q: Are there any hidden fees I need to know about?

A: No! Our pricing includes shipping/handling, customs/duties and plate charges. The only fee that can vary is the local delivery fee which your consultant will let you know about ahead of time. If anything changes, rest assured your consultant will let you know as soon as possible!

Q: I don’t need packaging, but I love your work! Is there another way I can work with LeKAC?

A: Definitely! If you like our design work, but aren’t necessarily looking for packaging, try our custom Branding and Graphic Design services instead. Work with our Marketing team to bring your vision to life!