1 minute read

The Leaside Gardener

Debora Kuchme Columnist


In the spring, there were lovely wildflowers at the Waterworks, such as jack-in-the-pulpit and dogwood. Leeks were also in plenteous supply!” surrounded by vacant lots where wild fruit trees grew freely on the remnants of old farmland.

There are others who mention the many Victory Gardens and picking wild fruits and berries.

As Leaside became more developed, so did the look of our gardens.

But it wasn’t until the ’50s that the ‘Leaside Look’ became a thing. By that time, street trees had been planted and the dirt roads paved. And like so many other suburbs built at that time, the neat, weedfree lawn was considered a key element in the landscape. Individual expression was seen in the choice of foundation plants of flowering shrubs...and most likely purchased from Sheridan Nursery.

In Jane Pitfield’s book Leaside in the section ‘Memories of Leaside,’ an early resident wrote: “My mother grew all of our fruits and vegetables.

Fun fact: Most gardeners know that Canada Blooms was the brainchild of the Garden Club of Toronto. But did you know they launched their first flower show in 1954 at Leaside Memorial Gardens?

Welcome, Leaside Garden Society michael.solway@sympatico.ca

1986 saw the birth of the Leaside Garden Society and ever since, it has had a tremendous influence on how many of our gardens look. Along with their garden tours and awards, they have set the bar with their knowledge and high standards.

While other garden groups have seen dwindling membership, the LGS is a true success story. I think it’s because they are so connected to the community with all the good work they do and their ability to adapt to our changing world. Along with their new Territorial Acknowledgement to our First Nations, our LGS has become more concerned about the health of our environment and committing to such important issues as protecting pollinators by planting native habitats. They even won an award for their Butterfly Canoe!

From forest to farmland to a Garden City, the nature of this land (we call Leaside) has changed dramatically over time. And will continue to change – just as we do.

I wonder, what will Leaside gardens look like 15 years from now when we celebrate our 125th?

Visit leasidelife.com for the extended version of this article along with more fun facts! n