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Loneliness (S

Loneliness can affect anyone at any time. During the COVID-19 outbreak, spending less time with family and friends has led to more feelings of loneliness than usual for lots of us particularly for those who have been isolating or shielding. Adapting to changes can come with its challenges too, and it might still feel difficult to connect with family and friends, colleagues or other everyday contacts. It‘s really important to remember that loneliness and difficult feelings can pass. If you‘re feeling lonely at the moment, the following tips can help.

Do more things you enjoy:


Filling your time doing more things you like can stop you from focusing on feelings of loneliness and is good for your wellbeing. When you‘re at home, entertaining radio shows or podcasts are a good way to occupy your mind and keep you company.

Explore ways to spend time together:

There are lots of different ways to reach out to friends and family, whether they‘re just round the corner or further away. Whether you choose to meet up in person, or chat on the phone, via video-calls or on social media, all contact can help remind you that you are not alone.

Stay busy by learning something new:

Now is a good time to pursue a hobby or something you have always wanted to be able to do and it can be a good way to spend time with others. If you enjoy learning with others, you could join a class for arts and crafts, cookery, DIY or gardening. Become a guitar hero, learn piano or join a virtual choir.

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