4 minute read

Really God? You want me to do what?

That incredulous response shot out of my mouth when God prompted me to write.

I couldn’t see or believe it. So, I “shelved” it in the closet of my mind because I had no author pictures in my life achievement album. What about you? Like me, you may have had God speak to you about doing something unbelievable for Him. Maybe the challenge is to start a business, a supportive prayer group for moms with wayward, rebellious kids, or minister to the homeless. Whatever the calling, the transforming journey starts with believing despite your list of shortcomings and insurmountable obstacles. Destiny is always beyond our comfort zone.

God calling me to write wasn’t plausible. I lacked writing skills; my gifts and talents were evident for other things. Nothing about writing fit my paradigm. Can you relate? Has God asked you to step out to do something and you can’t see the way? Let me encourage you: “All things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23 NKJV).

God’s specialty is creating from nothing. We just need to say yes and work with Him.I finally gave up trying to convince God

Authoring wasn’t a part of my identity. But one day the Holy Spirit highlighted a Scripture (Proverbs 3:5–6), like a flashing neon light. For days He impressed that Scripture to me, hammering at my unbelief. Fearful I would grieve Him with my avoidance, I finally listened and let Him speak—“Trust Me and not your own thoughts or understanding.”In response, I saw three clear steps to follow. They seemed simple, but walking them took Holy Spirit guidance:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

I began believing that the God of creation could create something through me. This was difficult. I had to become secure, confident, and bold in my belief that God wanted to use me and that He was powerful enough to make it happen despite all my insufficiencies.

This took heart examination and deliverance from fears, insecurities, and pride.

Lean not on your own understanding

then I joined and strengthened my transforming journey. Giving up control of outcomes was necessary while realizing that my understanding was partially based on my natural perceptions. Having my spiritual eyes of understanding enlightened took time to envision supernatural possibilities.

Daily prayer and Scripture reading assisted in focusing my eyes on Him alone rather than what my mind and well-meaning friends said.

In all your ways acknowledge him

when I didn’t know what to do, when options were set before me, I had to learn how to see His hand at work.

Step 3 was a growing process. I asked for advice from mature Christian authors who heard from God. How did they perceive His direction with multiple options? What happens when God seems silent? How and what do you pray when turmoil threatens peace?

Slowly, step by step, I began my writing journey. I asked trusted friends to pray for me. As months went by, taking baby steps, a novel began to be birthed.

Your Personal Decision

Is there something God is calling you to believe? Does your mind want to say, “Really, God? You want me to do what?” I encourage you to choose as Mary did and say, “Let it be to me according to Your word.” Push back disbelief; follow Proverbs 3:5–6; and let God direct you on your unbelievable path to your new transformed journey. Let your mind be renewed, trust God, and your path will be directed towards destiny

Betty Kulich is a pastor, international speaker, and an award-winning author. AWSA/AWSA P.O.W.E.R. Speaker, CIPA, ACFW, WW. Info at: Transformed-image.com