3 minute read

President's Message

Support Our Organization

First off, I would like to thank Alan and Ms. Linda for their time and effort over the past year. Many do not realize just how much Ms. Linda does to keep us in line and on budget. Secondly, I want to thank you all for allowing me to serve as your president this next year. It was great to see many of you at the Deep South Turf Show and again at the Road Show last month. The Winter show is always fun, as we get to see the Poa annua test plots Dr. McCurdy and Amy Wilber have applied and monitored through the winter. The flat side at Lion Hills has a tremendous amount of Poa annua pressure and the old golf course is resistant to just about every herbicide we commonly use. If it works here, it should work about anywhere. This is neat to see firsthand.

I wanted to take an opportunity this first newsletter of the year to charge each of you with doing anything and everything you can to support our organization. The MSU Turf Team needs your support. Their Dean and Department Heads need to see support from the industry stakeholders. I know there are times you are unable, but, if possible, send someone from your organization. For many of us that have been involved in this industry and MTA for many years, it is our responsibility to educate and show the next generation the importance of networking with colleagues and supporting those working to better our industry. So, please do your part. I would also ask that many of you consider becoming involved in our board and/or committees. There are many talented young professionals with the ability to serve.

Our next event together is the Yard Dawg on Tuesday, June 6th. We will be back at the MSU Golf Course. It will be exciting to see the changes made by Nathan Crace during last year’s greens renovation. Jimmy McPherson and Jake Sorrels have done an outstanding job establishing the TifEagle greens. Maybe an early June date will provide us with some cooler temperatures than what we endured this past July.

Here’s to an off-season of rest, relaxation, and family. Please feel free to reach out to any board member or myself with comments, questions, or concerns.

See you in June, if not before!

Will Arnett

EMCC’s Lion Hills Golf Course