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New Opportunities

A new year brings with it new challenges and new opportunities. As we enter the spring season, the return of the green to our yards, fields, and facilities reminds us of renewal and brighter days ahead. As an association, we are confident that the spring and summer months will bring us closer to a return to in-person gatherings and opportunities to come together as an organization.

Though our 2021 Annual Conference was held virtually, our speakers brought the same invaluable information we’ve always enjoyed as part of our educational events. We thank those of you who supported the event through your attendance and I hope that you all learned something new. We were still able to honor our association award winners and we are grateful that we had the support of our generous sponsors.

We understand the work before us and hope to help your business remain essential and grow this year – many of us simply survived the past year, but our sincere hope is that this year we will all thrive.

We are hard at work to provide the resources you need to navigate the coming busy season. As the months pass, we will be considering the options for our 2022 conference and will be in touch with you as decisions are made. We are hopeful that in-person events and education will be possible soon, but we’re remaining agile to adapt to changing safety guidelines.

We are proud to continue serving you,

Richard Covert

ATA President