3 minute read

We Are Not in it Alone

Alot goes through my mind each day: When is the next game? How long before equipment needs to be serviced? Are my pesticide license points on track? Was that spot I saw foliar disease, low fertility, or maybe the site of some kind of soccer drill I haven’t seen before? I’m like a lot of you when it comes to having a busy mind. Sometimes when the stress creeps up and pressure mounts, these concerns move into warp speed and we search even harder for the answers.

I’m thankful for all the resources that we have in Alabama these days to help us with these queries. I have at my fingertips reams of information and data on all kinds of technical issues we face each day. Our allies in turfgrass research and extension in Alabama, who undertake research trials and experiments, give us expert analysis on products, rates, timing, etc., and are just one part of the process to address the challenges we face each day. We have state and national award-winning extension specialists close by — congratulations to Dr. Jim Jacobi! We also have Alabama Turfgrass Association, our professional organization, with a diverse membership within all our reach. Our membership directory is full of people one could phone on just about any concern we have. This is really the singular reason ATA exists, to help members and constituents find and implement the best management practices to improve your professional skill and to further your career, all while raising the level of aptitude of our colleagues. That can be a comforting idea: we are not in it alone.

I hope you were able to attend the Field Day at the Auburn Turf Unit held July 7th. It was a spectacular event. Something learned here either saved someone a lot of money or made someone a lot of money! Over 120 attendees were exposed to some valuable trial results done by our talented group of researchers from Auburn University. I have said before how lucky we are to have this kind of expertise in our state and region to help us make good decisions. These people make us all better and we are thankful for their work. Some detailed summations of this critical work are within this edition of the Turf Times. Dr. Beth Guertal shares results of some hybrid bermudagrass wear trials, for example.

Also in this issue, Chad Lambert shares his very qualified thoughts on Building High Profile Turf Venues with all of us who want our facilities seen by a large audience. And who doesn’t want that? At least occasionally, right?

This is my final President’s Pen message. I have enjoyed this past year serving in this role and being a small part of the decision-making process that affected the direction ATA has taken. We are in great hands next year when Ben Anderson takes over. Ben will be an outstanding President and will help lead us into an ever-changing environment. I would also like to thank the Board members from the inception of ATA and especially those serving this past year for the dedication and assistance required to make ATA a reality. Huge thanks to our education advisors, Dr. David Han and Dr. Jim Jacobi. A special thanks to the Executive Committee, Ben Anderson, Ben Williams, and Deven Peek for the helpful guidance with the issues we face as an association. I cannot thank our association management partners, Prologue and our Executive Director Melanie Bonds enough. No one works as hard on our behalf as Melanie does. It is a full-time job keeping us focused on the business at hand and making sure we are the very best stewards of ATA funding and initiatives. Our magazine, Alabama Turf Times, is outstanding primarily due to the tireless work of James Horton to ensure the content we read is accurate, timely, and meaningful. Thank you, James.

Lastly, make your plans now to attend the Deep South Turf Expo in Biloxi on November 1–4. It is a great show and a perfect time to fellowship with colleagues who have the same concerns as you do each day. Since DSTE was cancelled last year due to COVID, ATA members are more excited than normal to attend this year to make new friends, hear new ideas, and see the latest in turf equipment and resources. I encourage all attendees to make it to our annual meeting as we welcome Ben into the President’s role and initiate a new slate of Board members.


Joe Collins, CSFM

ATA President