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Unique Furniture for Families and Interactive Areas

On the other end of the spectrum, families travelling with children or large groups often require areas that provide additional support and comfort without restricting their movement or impeding on other travelers. Arconas offers innovative and dynamic furniture solutions that enable families to gather together comfortably.

Seating options that encourage free movement and flexibility, where travelers can stretch out and relax, have an immediate positive impact on passenger experience. Connex and ZigZag are large seating systems that create dynamic areas for families or large groups. Connex sofas and benches offer the flexibility to be configured in unique arrangements, creating an environment where passengers can experience a heightened sense of freedom.

Fun pieces in interesting shapes or that can be moved may calm children and other travelers by providing a level of interactivity that can take their mind off the travel experience. Fiore, Twenty-Twenty and Star Bench are moveable and reconfigurable pieces that could be included in a sensory interactive area.

All Arconas soft seating pieces are available in wide range of materials and finishes to complement any terminal environment and are designed for easy cleaning, maintenance, and longevity. In addition, most models allow for the seamless integration of a safe power supply for recharging devices.