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Pupil Numbers

All numbers and ratios have remained broadly the same as last year. The Oundle School community remains at approximately 75% full boarding pupils and 25% day pupils. At the beginning of the 2021/22 academic year, Oundle School had 835 boarding pupils and 274 day pupils, a total of 1,109. A further 258 pupils were on roll for Laxton Junior School. The ratio of girls to boys remains constant at 40:60, as does the percentage (21%) of Oundelians joining us as foreign nationals. We continue to attract boarders from all corners of the UK and across the globe, including a significant ex-patriate community.

21% of Oundelians are foreign nationals

7.5% of Oundelians are ex-patriates

40+ countries represented

36 UK counties represented

11 UK counties with over 25+ boarders

Boarders joined us from 130+

UK feeder schools