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Banksia Road Primary School Keeping It Real



TifTuf ready to be installed

Banksia Road Primary School were initially contemplating installing synthetic turf instead of real turf in their playgrounds. Celine Thurlow, the school’s Business Manager, did not want to see synthetic turf installed due to the heat that synthetic can produce as well as student safety being negatively impacted by this surface. Mrs Thurlow with the school principal, Hamish Woudsma undertook some research into the turf solutions available and after considerations they decided to use TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda.

Project Overview

Banksia Road Primary School had some new buildings built and the surrounding areas needed to be re-turfed. The builders and landscape architect that were contracted for this project specified kikuyu to use for these areas, but Mrs Thurlow insisted that TifTuf be used. Kikuyu was cheaper, but TifTuf provided a life-long saving that offset this initial investment, and the school is wrapped with the results.

Turf Supply and Installation

Banksia Road Primary School now have approximately 3000m 2 of TifTuf in different parts of the school’s playgrounds, installed over three phases. Banksia Road PS

In terms of the first area that was laid in early 2019, the turf was laid on top of a highly clay soil. It went through Sydney’s severe drought receiving no water at all for an extended period and was under constant wear from the older students. After some long term.

much-needed rain the TifTuf started to repair itself, even in the most compacted dry areas there was still new TifTuf shoots coming through.

The second area was laid in May 2020 by another Lawn Solutions Australia Member, J&B Buffalo Turf. This lawn is used by the younger students of the school, so does not get as much wear. The colour and surface that it is providing is outstanding with no water, or fertiliser being applied. The school had to complete some drainage work in these areas and replacement turf was required. TifTuf was installed in this area in May 2020 and the newly laid turf received wear from students shortly after. have TifTuf used at the school initially. From

Considering this, the area has held up really well and even.

The third section of 1000m 2 was supplied by Green Life Turf in early June 2020. Joshua Muscat from Green Life Turf visited the 5 weeks after the turf was laid in winter. The turf was established and could not be pulled back from the ground. The school’s gardener rolled and mowed one section the week before Mr Muscat visited the school and you could see the turf growing, even

in winter. The joints of the turf were not as visible, and you could see that vibrant green colour of the TifTuf starting to come through.

The Results

The school is really impressed by how tough the TifTuf is. Even though TifTuf was a higher investment initially, they know the savings the grass is going to provide for them in the

Mr Woudsma has been super impressed by how the TifTuf has repaired after going through Sydney’s worst drought for many years. Mr Woudsma said “TifTuf is actually cheaper because we are spending less money on water, fertiliser and needing to replace turf year on year.” Mr Woudsma is so impressed with the TifTuf he is now pulling out his buffalo lawn at home and replacing it with TifTuf.

Mrs Thurlow is glad to see the TifTuf is holding up so well, with her having rallied to school on Thursday the 9th of July, about

this success, more areas within the school are being considered for TifTuf installation moving forwards.

Since meeting on site with the school, Mr Muscat has been providing the school further recommendations on maintaining the TifTuf to ensure they get the most out of it, and he is excited to see how it continues to perform into the future.