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Free Lgbtq Tarot And Lenormand Readings On Youtube

I stood there in the en-suite bathroom and my heart and head started racing wildly as I wondered why the shower head was unscrewed from the hose. Of course, in these situations, it’s natural to hunt for explanations other than the obvious ones. I knew that my boyfriend enjoyed cleaning, and so I gradually convinced myself that he was simply being meticulous whilst scrubbing the bathtub on his day off and not shoving the hose up his arse to get fucked by some dude he’d met on Grindr.

A day later, and my suspicions growing ever stronger, I finally plucked up the courage to ask him about it. He immediately became defensive and angry with me, and so I apologised. Although he worked as a cook at the time he would have made an excellent politician because not only was he a compulsive liar, but was able to talk his way out of any situation. Even when I found a bottle of poppers, a Viagra, and a pair of his pants with a hole torn in the arse a few weeks later he still managed to convince me that I had bought the poppers months before (even though they were clearly brand new), the dog had chewed his pants, and the viagra belonged to his ex-boyfriend who had moved out six months earlier.

They’re not kidding when they say love is blind folks! After months of this charade, I eventually found hard evidence that he was chatting with other guys online. He hadn’t realised that photos from his iPhone were automatically uploaded to his computer in our living room and after much searching, I found a ton of images. Just to be sure I managed to get into his Facebook account to read the many messages he had sent to other guys. Now I’m not condoning this evasion of privacy but I was planning on marrying this man in a foreign fucking country after all so I wanted to know if he was up to no good or not!

This all happened about five years ago and now as I write these words I’m laughing to myself or rather at myself that I could have been so stupid and gullible, but I can tell you at the time it was one of the most painful experiences I have been through. You see all jokes aside, I was deeply in love with this man, and I was devastated when we broke up. It took me at least two years to get over him and another three years to get to the stage where I can laugh about the whole experience. But at that time the emotional pain was so extreme, that I didn’t think that I would ever recover from that experience.

For the past 12 months, I have been teaching myself cartomancy which is a divination technique using a deck of cards (what most people think of as ‘fortune telling’). At first, I focused on Tarot cards and then I came across Lenormand. What’s different about Lenormand is that you can do what’s called a Grand Tableau using 36 plus cards to look at any situation and find out information about it. Think of it like this... A general tarot reading, the likes of which you see fake tarot readers and so-called psychics offering on Instagram, usually consists of 5-10 cards, sometimes as few as three which are used to describe the past, the present, and the future. Well, even if you are lucky enough to find someone who knows what they are doing and who isn’t trying to scam you (I should say at this point I do not charge for readings!), you only really get to see a movie trailer. With Lenormand, it’s the full fucking X-rated porno with all the cum shots thrown in baby! Oh yeah, this big fucker doesn’t pull any punches and you get all the juicy details which are perfect when you’re trying to find out who your fiancé has been fucking whilst you’ve been at work.

I make YouTube videos in which I talk about cartomancy, witchy stuff, blowjobs and bum sex and this morning I decided to do a Grand Tableau to look at my relationship with this dude from five years ago and to see if I could finally get the answers I never got from him. Using my brand new Queer Lenormand deck made the job very easy indeed as it comes with a ton of extra people cards. So let me talk you through it. First I assigned certain cards to mean certain things. I made myself the blonde dude in the black vest above the fish, my ex-boyfriend the dude above me, a lover or fuck buddy if there was one the dude next to him on the left, his best friend the person card next to the clouds on the top row, our apartment the house card, his job the tree card and finally my job the tower card.

We lived at that time just outside of Benidorm and I worked in the old town whilst he worked near to our apartment in La Cala around the coast. Those of you who have been to Beni will know that there is indeed a kind of mini mountain between Poniente Beach and La Cala / Finestrat so the cards worked almost like a map for me. The whip card can be used to indicate sex and sure enough, we see the letter between the whip and my ex-boyfriend with the two other players in this story connected to those cards. Now, the most important cards in a Grand Tableau are the corner cards and in this spread, I had the Star card (a direction to look in for answers), the snake (the card of deception and duplicity), the fox (the card of lies), and finally the book (the card of secrets).

Those three cards in a prominent position in this spread were all I would have needed to expose the truth but having all those other cards adds an incredible amount of detail to the story! This article would quickly turn into a novel if I went through everything but you can watch the video on my Youtube channel TWO BLACK CATS @2bctarot. As I’m still very much studying cartomancy I am always looking for opportunities to practise and improve my reading skills so I shall be doing live streams on my channel during which I will do free readings. All I ask in return is that you consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and of course, if you enjoy my videos don’t forget to hit that like button and if you push the bell icon you’ll be notified every time I upload a new video or do a live stream! See you on YouTube! Cheers guys, Xand.

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

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