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Game On
Leigh Ann and Ranard Brown demonstrate their jiu-jitsu skills Below: Coach Paul (left) wins the Absolute Division competition
Building a Well-Rounded Self

Gracie Lake Norman Jiu-Jitsu: Martial Arts and Life Skills
by Tony Ricciardelli photographs provided by Gracie Lake Norman Jiu-Jitsu
A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind and vice versa. Striving for individual achievement and self-improvement — physical and mental — often leads to a better understanding of individual potential, capability and a positive view of who we are along with an awareness of how we interact with the world around us.
Studying martial arts is but one way to improve overall wellness, while gaining an affirmative life-perspective. In Mooresville, Gracie Lake Norman Jiu-Jitsu (GLKN) prepares students for lifelong success by enabling them to realize their full potential.
Owned by husband-and-wife team Leigh Ann and Ranard Brown, the business has been in Mooresville since 2010. While Leigh Ann serves as the Director, Ranard is the lead instructor. A 2nd degree Black Belt and a student of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu since 2001, he holds multiple local, regional and international black belt championship

Youth class wins Gold Medal competitions Gracie Lake Norman adult class

Ranard Brown wins International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation Gold Medal Adult Class warms up before training

titles. Two of his students have made it to the Ultimate Fighting Championship world stage, and 12 youth ages seven to 15 have earned multiple championships.
While some are drawn to the martial arts as a means of self-defense and physical improvement, there’s much more to it. Mental fortitude and embracing the tenets of martial arts is essential to meeting one’s goals in competition and in everyday life.
“Teaching and learning jiu-jitsu without understanding the philosophy behind it is dangerous and irresponsible,” says Ranard. “Martial arts build discipline, control, respect, restraint and patience. Otherwise, the tools are just violence. The philosophy of martial arts — gentleness, mutual welfare and benefit, the best use of physical and mental energy — is indispensable to its training.”
The process is straightforward, and students are expected to make their best effort, to push themselves beyond their doubts and insecurities. Eye contact and communication is essential.
“At a certain level, every student is required to teach, to demonstrate leadership, to be a role model to fellow students,” he says. “The kids and the adults evaluate their own progress in terms of physical abilities and emotional control. We have all our students partake in ‘teachbacks,’ which require them to teach me a particular move. Our students are accountable for their progress; that rule is non-negotiable.”
Gracie Lake Norman Jiu-Jitsu offers a variety of programs for children and adults. Students as young as four years old can be seen on the mats. There is also a youth empowerment program that instills youth with courage and confidence. Adult programs include jiu-jitsu, self defense and “Women’s Wine and Self Defense,” a free program designed to give women self-protection skills and a reprieve from the challenges of negative family dynamics. Private training is also available. The staff includes several martial arts experts holding black belt degrees. Jiu-jitsu masters also visit classes to inspire and to teach.
“We’re more than a business,” says Ranard. “We emphasize health and well-being for our students and their families.” For example, some parents enroll their children as a means of improving their child’s behavior. Partnering with parents to sustain a child’s positive, functional attitude extends beyond jiu-jitsu classes and into home life, school and in everyday situations.
The results are evident. Parents are thankful when a child’s disrespect, aggression and negative mindset are mitigated if not eradicated. Kristen Oden has two boys attending GLKN, ages five and seven. “My five-year-old was shy, clingy and lacking confidence,” says Oden. “Now his personality is flourishing. Others have noticed big changes in his self-esteem. My older son has learned respect and his ability to focus has improved.”
Positive outcomes are achieved by the adults as well. Regular training and learning how to live a healthy lifestyle often lead to weight loss, confidence and improved mobility. Many students are employed by regional law enforcement, and they work hard to reduce stress and maintain the physical strength and mental grit required of their profession. Jiu-jitsu prepares students to thrive and succeed in whatever vocation or life situation they choose or encounter.
Ranard hosts a bi-weekly podcast in which he encourages thought-provoking conversations on a variety of topics, including self-transformation and business-related issues.
For more information about Gracie Lake Norman Jiu-Jitsu, visit www.gracielakenorman.com or call 704.479.1255.