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6 Ways to Boost Your Immunity

The whole world is now facing the crisis of Covid-19 and the main concern for everyone is how to protect themselves and prevent the damage. Staying home and only going out when necessary is crucial for all of us to prevent the horrific spread of this virus. Besides practicing social isolation, a strong immunity system is the first defence line. Young or old, with underlying health conditions or totally healthy, we all need immunity boosters. Here are important factors to keep in mind for a better immunity system.

1.REDUCE STRESS: Stress has a bad impact on our immunity system. When we are stressed, our bodies release hormones that affects our immunity. Stressing over the current situation won’t get it better. Take a deep breath, relax and hope for the best while you do your part by keeping yourself and others by social isolation and abiding by the precautionary measures. Begin meditation as a way to reduce stress and stay calm.


2.QUIT SMOKING: If you have tried several times to quit smoking earlier and failed, the time is now to make it. One of the dangers of Covid-19 is hitting the respiratory system, and now is the time you need your lung fully functioning, clean and healthy. In addition, smokers tend to have a weaker immunity system and more prone to catch infections and diseases.

3.GET A PROPER AMOUNT OF SLEEP: Lack of sleep causes fatigue and stress and both are triggers for a weakened immunity system. Getting an adequate time of sleep is important for the general health. Researches have proved that those who sleep less than 8 hours a day are more prone to have several health issues.

4.EAT CLEAN: Drop the junk food and all the food loaded with bad carbs. Replace your unhealthy eating habits with healthier ones and consider better alternatives for the food you eat. Consume more vegetables and fruits and drink lots of fluids.

5.INCREASE YOUR INTAKE OF VITAMINS: Whether through food or supplements you currently need higher doses of vitamins C, B, D and zinc. Foods such as oranges, lemons, kiwi, guava, bell pepper, and broccoli are rich in vitamin C while foods such as tuna, salmon, egg yolks and mushroom are loaded with vitamin D. To increase your intake of vitamin A eat more carrots, sweet potato, black-eyed peas and spinach. Nuts, seeds, whole grain, legumes and dark chocolate are rich in zinc.

6.EXERCISE: Exercising is one of the best ways to boost your immunity. While exercising outdoors isn’t at reach now, there are several easy exercises that you can do at home. Many health coaches are now giving tips and instructions on exercises you can perform at work, in which a lot depends only on your body weight.

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