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Johns Creek loves its parks

Trails and Walkways

Projects are selected based on their conformity with the Comprehensive Plan, and on a matrix that includes safety, connectivity and proximity to schools, parks and activity centers, pedestrian use, whether it closes gaps, and cost. The City’s plans for future trail and sidewalk development are summarized in the Future Sidewalk & Trail Network, which depicts proposed multi-use trails and sidewalks. Showing locations and alignment, the map serves as the basis for construction of all future trails and sidewalks. The map was developed as part of the Comprehensive Plan and is included in the newly revised plan, adopted 2017. To learn more about the City’s sidewalk and trails network, visit: www.JohnsCreekGa.gov

The City has nine parks that provide a variety of recreational and entertainment options from state of the art playgrounds to turfed fields, an outdoor music venue to an award winning dog park. The City is always looking for new ways to improve and promote its many recreational opportunities. Currently, the City is working on its largest park, Cauley Creek Park.