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TALK’s Philosophers’ Corners, Winter/Spring 2021

Winter/spring 2021

Because of social distancing requirements due to the pandemic, Philosophers’ Corners will not be held in person at any of our usual three locations this winter/spring. Instead, they will be held online as Zoom meetings. Please register for the free sessions as you would for a TALK course on page 37. An invitation and link to the meeting will be sent to those who register. You do not have to be a TALK member to “attend” and there will be no charge.

Zoom Philosophers’ Corners will be held the first Thursday at 11 am and will last a maximum of 90 minutes. Here are the topics:

Feb 4 Immigration and refugees: what are the costs and benefits?

Mar 4 We may live healthily to over 100: what are the issues?

Apr 1 Social media: a blessing or a curse?

May 6 Should we lower (or raise) the voting age and/or restrict older people from voting?