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Session Packages

Package 1 (Peace of Mind)

Besides our physical health, we are also in charge of another aspect of our well being which is our psychological health.


For this purpose, this package has been prepared which mainly focuses on acknowledging Mental Health issues in our community, factors contributing as well as better ways to deal with them.

Package 2 (Global Professionalism & Exploration)

We would all love to travel the world, but the question is what can we do to get the best out of it?

In this package all aspects of our Exchange Programs will be discussed, starting with the process applying, and then adaptation methods and obstacles we might face abroad.

In addition to that, participants will be educated more on research studies, which is one of the most important areas for a successful doctor!

Package 3 (Activism)

We are here to take action! How you may ask?

We face many national and global issues on a daily basis, but as the younger generation, we are responsible for approaching them and taking action in that regards!

For that matter, a package is prepared to educate participants on neglected issues and dangerous situations that have affects on the general population, as well as advocating to reduce the harm.

Package 4 (Life Long Learning)

In the 21st century, when new discoveries and innovations are made very quickly, what do we do to keep our knowledge up to date?

Don’t worry, we have brought the most important topics for you! This package consists of both the education and skills to equip you onto the road of a continuous learning.