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what is Red Data Book who published Red Data Book

History of red Data Book


Advantages and disadvantages of Red Data book

Major goals of Red Data Book


Plants and animals that is on verge of extinction

Why is is important to conserve plants and animals

The 'Red Data Book' is a document that is established for documenting rare and endangered species of animals, plants, and fungi that exist within the territory of the state or country.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), established in the year 1964, maintains the Red Data Book.

The Red Data Book is referred to as the public document that records the information about all rare and endangered species of plants, animals, and fungi existing within the boundary of a state or territory. It can be considered as a catalogue of species facing the risk of extinction.

Who published the Red Data Book?

International Union For The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources (IUCN) publishes the Red Data Book in 1964. IUCN was founded in 1948 and it aims to conserve species with the help of scientific knowledge and international cooperation.

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