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Formulating a specified outcome for commission meetings, thus ensuring that the commission is continuously productive

Developing a set of guidelines entailing what students should expect at commission meetings - including;


Rules of Procedure


Outlining voting processes

Allocating time after commission meetings wherein student representatives and organisations would have the opportunity to network

Partner with student based news outlets to communicate commission proceedings to the general student body

Update the student representatives and student organizations database on the KSU website.

Establishing a pre-set date for commission meetings, distributed at the beginning of the year via google calendar, and ensuring that organisations and representatives are given at least one week notice if any change to such dates is to be made.

Maintaining and improving upon the commission tab within the KSU website

Announce commission meeting dates through KSU social media platforms to further encourage the student body to attend such meetings.

Push to increase involvement of the general student body at commission meetings by publicising Ad-Hoc committees and outline how one can join the latter.

Ensuring continuous coordination with organisations and student representatives to ensure relevance of topics, and concerns are addressed as they arise – including the possibility of one to one meetings with the commissioner.

Setting up feedback sessions with all members of the commission in order to derive why commission attendance is on the decline.

Initiating a social media campaign to showcase the commission to the general student body

Act as a bridge between organisations and KSU to ensure fair representation throughout the whole year.

Collaborating with KSU in creating a sustainable policy which can then be replicated amongst organisations.

Return seating to a circular format to initiate and encourage discussion.

Push for an increase in collaborations on both events and publications between KSU and student organisations

Activating Activism; Developing a plan of action through commission of how KSU can encourage and incentivize students to engage with student organizations.

Establishing the following Ad-Hoc Committees;

Sustainable Development

Democracy & the Rule of Law

Public Relations & Activism

Health & Wellbeing

Education & Academic Affairs