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KLHS News July/August 2021

Now restrictions preventing the spread of Covid19 have been eased, the society is aiming to forge ahead with its first summer show for two years.

South Wootton Village Hall (PE30 3LJ) has again been booked for the event on Saturday, August 14th.


The usual wide range of classes for all age groups has been laid out in the new schedule. So bring your flowers, vegetables, fruits, baking and art and craft items to display.

Details can be obtained from Show Secretary, Rachel Vyse, on 631 820, or on the website, klhs.co.uk

The King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Mayor, Harry Humphrey and his wife, Brenda, will be coming along to present the prizes.

Hot and cold drinks will be provided and hand sanitiser will be available.

The society is relaunching itself following the disruption of the pandemic and hoping to attract new members.

Secretary, Kevin Ayres, has invited members to submit ideas regarding how they would like the society to grow into the future. Suggestions to date have included arranging more talks as well as visits to local gardens. There could be more virtual competitions, like last year’s successful summer show.

Possibly more virtual events could be held in the winter, perhaps linking up with other gardening groups.

A return visit to the Cambridge Botanic Garden is under consideration, as is a week-end trip to the new RHS garden, Bridgewater, near Manchester.

At this year’s annual meeting, the committee decided to raise the annual membership fee for adults to £10. It would remain free for under 16s.

Since lots of people found solace in gardening and nature during the recent devastating pandemic, the society should have a bright future.

Scene at the 2018 show

Scene at the 2018 show

Elizabeth Fairweather