2 minute read

KLHS News February/March 2022

I am conducting an experiment. Last spring, some Tulipa Tarda plants caught my eye during a visit to Belford’s Garden Centre just outside King’s Lynn. I bought three pots, each containing three of the dwarf tulips and they duly flowered.

Now, I have read that saving tulip bulbs is a waste of time and it’s better to throw the old ones away and start afresh each year. Well, I decided to try and regrow mine the next season—waste not, want not.


I removed the tiny bulbs from their pots at the end of last season and packed those that seemed okay—and those were the majority - away in a paper bag in a drawer.

On inspecting them around new year, I was delighted to see around seven had sprouted little shoots! The bulbs were then placed in a pot of compost (see below) to see if they would continue to grow.

I thought it best to put them in a pot so that I can move them around until I’ve found the best spot for them in the garden. Apparently, they don’t like too much wet or wind.

So far, I am pleased to say they have continued to grow.

I certainly am not an expert gardener; I don’t have even slightly green fingers, but just decided to have a go. These were pretty little yellow and white tulips and deserved another chance.

Further developments in editor Elizabeth Fairweather’s “Tulip Tale” will follow in future newsletters.

Several bulbs had shoots

Several bulbs had shoots

Elizabeth Fairweather

Tulips planted in a Mr Pot

Tulips planted in a Mr Pot

Elizabeth Fairweather

Tulipa Tarda plant label

Tulipa Tarda plant label

Elizabeth Fairweather