2 minute read

King's Scholars Family Day

King’s Scholars Family Day is an annual event which brings together families of Year 8 and 9 King’s Scholars, as well as our parent networks from Parent Power and Hastings. In 2022, 150 parents and children participated, exploring Strand campus to get a taste of university life. We tailor the session to the different age groups with parents and carers attending talks on student finance and university accommodation. Young people take part in subject taster workshops and learn practical medical skills like taking blood pressure and dressing a wound. The day finishes with a motivational talk for everyone and a prize-giving ceremony. Every year, the feedback for Family Day is a joy to read.


Student Feedback

It was really fun to learn about how doctors take blood and do CPR. Philosophy was also good because the thinking really challenged me.

Family day helped me to understand what university would be like. I learnt about the uni experience. It will help me to grow.

Parent feedback

I am more aware of the support outside my family and friends network and I will definitely use the support from my local community.

I loved visiting King’s. I found the speakers excellent and have come away with a positive attitude aboutunifor the future.

I recommend Family Day to other parents because all parents need help for their children - we are not alone because of our different cultures and nationalities.

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