1 minute read

Crash course Dutch

Goodmorning Goodafternoon Good evening What’s your name? I am... How are you doing? I am fine Thank you You’re welcome Where are you from? I am from... Can you help me? I speak a little bit of Dutch I am studying... Enjoy your meal Goodbye Bye Goedemorgen Goedemiddag Goedenavond Hoe heet je? Ik ben... Hoe gaat het me je? Het gaat goed met mij Dankjewel Graag gedaan Waar kom je vandaag? Ik kom uit... Kun je mij helpen? Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands Ik studeer... Eet smakelijk Tot ziens Doei

Water Taps


Tap water is very high quality and perfectly safe to drink. Chlorine is not added to our drinking water, which ensures a better taste. Most of the Dutch citizens don’t buy water at the supermarket. Instead they just fill up their bottle at the toilet sink. Also in public areas, you don’t have to worry about water contamination.

We recommend you to get a reusable water bottle and fill it with water from the tap. This saves you a lot of money and prevents the pollution of disposable water bottles.

Waste Separation

In the Netherlands it is common to separate your waste. At most households it is already common to separate PMD (Plastics, Metals and Drink cartons), organics, paper and residual. Also at the University of Twente, these four waste streams are separated. After separation, the waste is being processed into new products, e.g. toiletpaper, compost, packaging, electricity, etc. You can contribute to this recycling process by separating your waste correctly. More information can be found on the trash bins.

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